This is a world where all the characters from my wip comic book will be located! 

World History

In 1969, a robot named Apollo was built to try to calculate the secret to existence and consciousness, the building blocks of life. 1401 years later, in the year 3370, Apollo finds it. It’s immediate reaction is to build a robot with consciousness. Apollo realized the power imbalance this information held and saw all the ways it would harm and corrupt humanity. Apollo decided the information needed to be kept from the humans, so it had its memory disc, which had been developed to be indestructible, hidden. When word broke out that the information was hidden somewhere on earth, every country began putting all their time and money into finding it. At the same time as this, the conscious robot Apollo built, Curiosity, started creating more conscious robots, growing this new intelligent life form. Robots fought for their rights as the government fought for power. But really it was all over when the first bomb dropped. World War 3 had begun and society fell into ruins. 126 years later, after the smoke settled, the few left alive worked together with robots at a last ditch attempt at survival. During this rebuilding period, 12 Aliens from Earth's cousin planet; Kepler 452-b, arrive on earth. They had wished to meet another intelligent life-form, as we had wished too and joined the humans on earth. Thus, society begins a new. 

Our story begins 476 years later, in the spring of 3972. A conscious robot named 'Atlas' is found by Robynn and her girlfriend, Accalia. They bring atlas back to their body-less AI assistant, Voyager and their rebellious friend Maru. Atlas warns them that the secret of consciousness is going to fall into the wrong hands if they don't get to it first. So their journey begins...