Ethereal Realms's Bulletins

New Species Added

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

If you have been part of our Discord you would have already seen our new Species: Angelus Vanitas

Angelus Vanitas are an Angelic Species that originated in the neighbouring Celestial Realms.

while not on duty they can be found in the Ethereal Realms

A MYO event will be held once a draw reference sheet has been made

October Raffles MYOs/BGs/Items etc

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

This month our discord will be holding multiple raffles to either win group items or MYO slots

right now we have an rare trait potion, special Drakiest MYO slot and Rilager MYO slot raffle

Discord Link

Venaryst at it again it seems. He seemed to have had a little too much fun with the result of the Scolopendra Hound potions. 

And recently he got some hands on something. What is that something? It's better if you don't know what that is. 

Either way he went ahead and used it to create some new potions. 

He is looking for some participants to test these potions out. So in the spirit of Halloween he is actually giving them out to anyone who comes and joins in his little Halloween party.

He claims these potions ain't anything nasty but at the same time he doesn't let you know what will happen if you do take it.

All you can get out of it, is that you will definitely be getting some new features to stand out in the crowd. Well that’s IF you do take the potion.

Please note: these will only affect organic species, any man made species or species that require a host** will not be affected. So only those that are classed as organic can be used

** unless the host is an ER species

This event has two options. 
You can use one of your existing OCs or unused MYO slot to become part of this 


For this event you can obtain a time limited MYO for any ORGANIC Closed or semi Open species (admin/adopt are off limits for this event). If you are unsure which species are classed as organic or off limits don't be afraid to ask

Using a pre existing OC 
You and possibly some friends decided to head to a Halloween party that was advertised all over the place. You’ve seen them in almost all the realms. How bad could it be? It claims there will be free food, drinks and entry. The venue seems like it would be a great place as well. You hear it’s a genuine haunted manor!
You make your way to the place from the realm you call home into the Ethereal Realms, the guards that manage the points between the realms seem extra stressed, Halloween always plays havoc with the different gateways and spirits tend to run amok more then usual.
You see web covered signs with the party you’ve come to attend being held by some odd critters. These critters seem to be leading those who are wanting to attend the party to the venue. You follow them along for what seems like a few hours. You go through dark twisting alleyways, through twisted gates that pass through a graveyard and beyond it the Manor. The critters just leave as soon as you are at the door.
That place does not look safe at all.
Once inside the place is barely lit and you see far too many cobwebs and spiders then you're comfortable with seeing . It’s almost too quiet. Is this the right place? You take a moment before heading deeper inside as you take a step forwards, candles suddenly appear and flare up. Floating around in mid air, they seem to be leading you deeper in and downwards.  As you head in further, you hear the slight sound of music, getting louder each step you take. Eventually you find yourself heading deep down and eventually find yourself in front  of a heavy wooden door. Sounds of a party from the otherside. As you reach out to open the door a voice greets you from behind
“Welcome my dear Victim. I prey that you have fun tonight” 


For this event Draw or Write your OC attending Ven’s Halloween party. Did they expect there to be something weird? Maybe they heard about the last lot of potions Ven made and are wary? Is the place too much?
Did they take the potion that was offered to them? Are they horrified with the results or actually pleased? Or did the potion just flat out failed
Or maybe they just wanted to go to a party and have fun

Drawn piece. Minimum half body flat coloured.


 Written piece minimum 2000-3000 words

If you are wishing to join  by obtaining an event MYO slot/ turn in event

-be a member of TH and/or discord.(must have given and intro and have full access)

- share this event

-Fill in the Form

- Species you want to make

By doing the above you will get an all 
common slot for any valid Closed Species 
for semi open species you may use up to Rare + 1 legendary trait (Serpividia is chosen can use 2 admin traits)

Unlike regular free MYO events. Slots gain will have a time limit and must be turned by the end of the event for approval. 

You may choose only 1 Halloween Potion trait to use on your slot.

However if you include a short story (1000-2000 words) of how or why your MYO came to get their hands on the potion or participating in Ven’s Halloween party

Not an visual artist and want to join this Turn in Event? Or maybe you don't want to rush

I will be allowing writers to do a detailed written description of how you imagine this MYO to look, what species, possible traits and how the potion changed them. This must be submitted alongside a story. Story should be related to why or how they discovered this experiment and how they were before they went through it. 

3500-5000 word minimum. If you reach 6000 words you will get a second Halloween potion trait. 

This written piece must be submitted before the event ends. However your slot you gain from writing will not expire

Species of choice:

Using an existing MYO slot from your inventory

Same rules as above turn in event . However if you don't make it in time for the deadline you can still keep the slot as it originally was.

However you may also follow the written version of the above and apply it to a MYO slot, that way you may gain the trait(s) to use on that MYO at a later time

Halloween Trait MYO ends on the 31st and must be turned on the day. 
Extension can be granted

Important: these traits will be character locked to the OC you use for this event and can not be transferred to another OC

Written piece to be submitted as a doc or as TH literature piece

You may enter twice for this event. However you may only grab 1 MYO slot. So you can use one entry to grab the MYO and the other to give a spooky trait to an existing OC
Enter with 2 different OCs to get the traits


Include your host Ven = 2500 BG
Bring along a friend to the party (max 4).Include in your Draw/write your OC attending the party with other member’s OC = 1000BG per friend(all involved will get BGs). If you use the max will get you a  1xrare trait upgrade potion
Including a short written piece alongside artwork = +1 Ven's Halloween potion to be used on another victim ahem character or the one participating 

Halloween Potion Trait

Warning: Body horror and such below


Gain some new appendages. 

 Gain up to 6 sucker covered tentacles. Wait…those suckers look more like human or animal teeth. Wait….those ARE teeth…

Monster gummies. 
Some of your limbs and other body parts change into what could be described as Halloween candy shaped limb, however sometimes when you look at it seems to be twisted and cursed.  Eyes seem to appear and disappear or even horrific faces appear in them.  Up to 50% of body can be affected 

Vampire shroom. 
You gain some sort of horrific mushroom or fungi like growth. For some it may transform entire limbs or entire body sections, up to 50%. Weird needle like teeth are under the cap. It craves blood if not fed it goes after it's host. 

Twisted smile. 
Your body now have these mouths growing in all sort of places. All with twisted smiles and irregular teeth. Minimum of 2 and no max limit 

Deep sea terror. 
Your eyes cloud over. But you can still see. Your skin burns and scales grow, slime oozes from between the scales. Your teeth fall and change into needle like mess. It feels like you have way more teeth than what should fit. Your corners of your mouth splits and your becomes larger almost ear to ear.

Aquatic species and subspecies will gain translucent limbs, glowing growths and can lose fur if they have them. Deep Sea Slime bites mouth becomes much larger and they can gain more horrific looks

Mismatched Zombie. 
You're like a zombie,yet not. You can't infect others nor do you have those typical zombie cravings. You have rather unusual cravings instead, from excessive eating of lollies and pumpkins to halloween and other holiday decorations. However your flesh has begun to rot much like a zombie especially the arms and legs and even your tail, these parts constantly rots till you lose a limb.  Then it regrows, each time differently and often horrific monstrosities or just something you rather not be seen with . It doesn't even match what you are. You swear you once saw a tattoo on your new limb  like it actually belonged to someone else. Sometimes you grow multiple of them.

Food doesn't quite make you full nor does these weird cravings. Your body won't gain weight nor lose what you already have…well the only time you lost or gained weight was when you lost a limb or gained a new one. 

Oh right, you realised you also don't have a heartbeat….Venaryst what do you mean that's JUST a MINOR side effect?! 


-does not affect NecroDrakiest. 

-Drakiest affected by this do not become Necrodrakiest, they are just "Zombified" Drakiest

-Paw tail's tail may rot and fall and regrow as another type of paw tail. However it must stay in the sub species. So a regular PT can't grow an insect tail. However an aquatic can grow a crustacean Paw tail or something based on another entirely different sea creature not listed

Minor Effects. 
These are not massive body horror effects like the ones above. If you choose Minor Effects you can choose 2 from the following 

Split Pupil OR Multiple Pupils (can mix of match)

Extra eyes(only for those who normally have 2 eyes)


Spectral limbs- arms or legs

Separated parts- body part float appart in various locations. Ghostly smoke optional 

Pumpkin head- gain a jack o'lantern head. Your pumpkin face changes expression with your mood. So does the flame inside

Wait a moment?

 You don't want any of the above effects? But still want to take part?

Well you can still join in. After all the potion isn't always guaranteed to have permanent changes. You may have a temporary change that quickly vanishes or  maybe you'll have pain and weird feelings that turn out to be nothing.

Don’t worry you still get some prizes for attending the party

2500 BGs +1 Chatter Skull Evo Pet(1st stage) + 2x Evo pet evolution item of choice
2 x BG gacha tokens + 1 Jackol Evo Pet(1st stage) + 2x Evo pet evolution item of choice

IMPORTANT: can not be used with the MYO Turn in event 

Drawn entries can be linked below OR sent to our discord
MYO can be submitted in the approval forum or discord

Event ends on the 31st of October 

 Ethereal Kit MYO Event 
ENDs 23rd Sept at 11.59AEST  Countdown timer

Hello all travelers and those who call the Ethereal Realms their home~
The realm is holding their very first Ethereal Kit MYO event
While these are generally an adopt/admin species alongside their full blooded brethren, the Ethereal Hound.  We will be holding a small MYO event for members can gain a slot.
Ethereal Kits are for 16+
So this event will be age limited


*they can have clothing

Click Here For Species Info

- must be 16+ (we will work on a trust system. If found out your slot will be revoked and a strike will occur)
- slots can not be sold. Trade or gift fine
- 1 slot per person. Please no side accounts or claims on friend behalf

How to join:
-Be a member of Ethereal Realm world
-Share this event and the Ethereal Realms in a Bulletin
-Tag 2-3 others who maybe interested

(no one to tag? Tell us your favourite Supernatual creature and link a song)
-Fill in the Form
Doing the above will get you a common Ethereal Kit slot

Unlocking higher traits and mutations

-Unlock uncommon traits: tell us what is your favourite animal AND a fave game or book?
- 1 rare trait + 1 Mutation: Be a member of DISCORD (new members must introduce self and gain full access)
- want another 1+ rare or Mutation trait? 

Play a game of rock paper scissors in #ruvik-game-corner on our Discord against the bot and win. (No rerolls. If you lose, you won't lose anything)

- Your MYO slot will not expire, you have as long as you need to create your MYO
-MYOs must be sent in and approved to be valid. MYOs can be sent into approval via the discord channel OR HERE (if you wish to keep it more private, please ping Inkblot-Wolf in the approval forum before DMing)
- Any Questions feel free to ask them below or in 
- While we don't have a masterlist feel free to create a tracker post here or a separate character page and link back your slot reply

Other:(unlock etc)

Holding an all common MYO slot for Scolopendra Hound Human variant over on our discord server

Ends in 24hrs

Once a member head over to the MYO event area and react to the giveaway bot

Halloween Potion Trait preview

Warning: Body horror and such below

Teethacles. Gain some new appendages. 

 Gain up to 6 sucker covered tentacles. Wait…those suckers look more like human or animal teeth. Wait….those ARE teeth…

Monster gummies. Some of your limbs and other body parts change into what could be described as Halloween candy shaped limb, however sometimes when you look at it seems to be twisted and cursed.  Eyes seem to appear and disappear or even horrific faces appear in them.  Up to 50% of body can be affected 

Vampire shroom. You gain some sort of horrific mushroom or fungi like growth. For some it may transform entire limbs or entire body sections, up to 50%. Weird needle like teeth are under the cap. It craves blood if not fed it goes after it's host. 

Twisted smile. Your body now have these mouths growing in all sort of places. All with twisted smiles and irregular teeth. Minimum of 2 and no max limit 


Ven has created a potion and needs some Scolopendra Hounds as guineapigs to test this new potion out. 
There are posters littered around Ethereal Realm and the Mundane world looking for Scolopendra Hounds who are willing to take part 
the posters read
 " Any ScoloHounds looking to get a lil cash and change themselves? Well got the job for you. 
Nothing too hard. Just a little potion testing. 
 Human Variant want to get that Feral form you always wanted but never could have? 
Those who want to be human but can't? 
Well head over to XXXXXXXXX today.
 there is some illegible fine print below. " 
After wandering down some of the seediest places in all the realms and to what looks like a murder house.  
You enter a  this place and you meet a suspicious looking insect Paw Tail.  
He introduces himself as Venaryst, a name many in the realm are familiar with  mostly for nothing good. 
He smiles at you. 
 "Welcome, Ready to be a Gu...Ahem ready for change my lil victim?" 
he passes some forms with some incredibly fine print that is impossible to read 
"Just sign here and will get that new form you have always wanted"
 Was this a good idea?

For this event:

Draw or Write you Scolopendra hound going through with testing this potion 
What nasty experience did they have? Are they scared? Excited? Do they regret the results ?
Well you can't blame Ven, it said so in the form you signed! 
Your ScoloHound however will end up with a permanent mutation from the list below on top of their new form 
 Human Variants will gain a feral form  while those that are not originally human variants who take part will recieve a semi human form at the cost of their anthro or sphinx form.
 Please keep in mind these potions will not give your ScoloHound the proper human form that a normal Human Variant would have nor will the Human Variant get the original feral form. They will a rather mutated version.
 Human Variant Feral form This form is not quite the feral form you envisioned. It's so much more monsterous and more insect like.  Your body is so much longer than the regular Scolohound and appear more centipede(or millipede or catepillar) like 
 Human form for feral These are quite a messed up form. A mix of human, insect and beast. Not exactly what you wanted.

Using the potion allows for Scolopendra Hounds to switch between their new forms and their original OR can be a permanent change

Potion side effects(Mutations) and the forms


Drawn Entries must be at least a full coloured waist up drawing while written works must at least be 1000-2000 words
Drawn: You will get bonus 2500 Blood Gems OR +1 extra Side effect for including Ven  (total of 2 Side effect traits)

Writing: going beyond 3000 words you will get bonus 2500 Blood Gems OR +1 extra Side effect for including Ven 
Creating a mini comic you will get +2 Extra Side effects 
5000+ word = +2 Extra side effects

Event can only be done if you have an existing ScoloHound  
If you don't WE do have a MYO event running to get one~
End Date will be Oct 31st @ 11.59pm AEST

EVENT ENDS 25TH of SEPT @ 11.59pm AEST

Since we will be holding a lil drawing event to gain some special traits for Scolopendra Hounds, that certain variants would normally not have.
We will be holding a MYO event to grab a slot

Species info
To get an all common Scolopendra Hound

Just share this event as a bulletin and  be a member of Ethereal Realms

To upgrade your slot

Tag two people to unlock all uncommon
Be a member of discord to unlock +2 rare traits (must introduce yourself and gain full access)

Leave a comment with what you have done and links to journals to gain your slot

We will also be randomly raffling of human variants in our discord

♠Slots do not expire
♠Slots can not be sold. Trade or gift is fine
♠Please do not use multiple accounts or claim for a friend
♠No tagging your secondary/backups accounts if you have one
♠if you are using this for the drawing event please do not add the new traits before doing the potion event

♠MYOs can be submitted to the Approval thread in forums or via Discord

feral_ScoloHound_copywhi.pngTransparent Backgroun
we do have anthro (flat or long face) as well.  Can link them from our discord if you are looking for bases

Event ends Sept 10  at 11.59 Australian Eastern Standard Time

to celebrate cleaning up the page a little and new type added to Aquatic Paw  Tails we will be having a second MYO even running along side the Admin Trait Serpividia Event 

A chance to get a MYO slot for two subspecies of Paw Tails

For this event you may choose MYO slot for either Aquatic or Insects. We will also give you the opportunity to get both slots

you will also automatically get the new rare Crustacean Aquatic Paw tail if you choose Aquatic


For full info for both these subspecies and others 

How to get a myo slot
- Be a member of Ethereal Realms
-Make a Bulletin post to advertise this event
- Fill out the form below
Doing the above will earn you 1 Uncommon MYO slot of either Insect OR Aquatic (no need to choose right away)
you will also automatically get Crustacean APT free

How to upgrade your slot or gain a second MYO slot
-Tag two people + 1 rare trait or Mutation
- Be an approved member of our  Discord server  (must have introduced + gain full access) + 1 rare trait or Mutation
- Advertise outside of Toyhouse + + 1 rare trait or Mutation
Do all the above and you get a second Uncommon Slot

Please do not join on behalf of someone else


Ad outside TH

-MYO slot do not expire
-MYO slots can not be sold. Trade fine. Has a cool down period of 1 month

While these are an open species there are certain traits which a locked off from members to use

For this event we will allowing members to be able to gain access to these traits and special event only traits

By joining the event you will get 2 Admin traits + 1 special trait

Species Link

Special traits for the event

♠  Dragon - Instead of having a snake form. these take on the form of dragons.

  if they are a naga type they become a dragontaur. Any dragon type is allowed

♠ Attatched horns - instead of floating seperately these are attatched to their heads

   can apply to back spines

♠ Angel of Envy - Gain angelic features including halo and optional multiple wings. Golden or silver or metallic green blood

♠ Eldritch terror - Serpividia with Eldritch features

♠ Animal Hybrid -  changes them into an anthro being with a base that isn't a snake. Snake form will be a hybrid of snake and the animal you choose

♠ Colour shift - Change at will to one alternate colour palette- markings and features must remain the same

♠ Lava Lamp - Has one special glassed section area that is like a lava lamp. Glows brightly
♠ Busy Bee - Gain bee like features and some fuzzy cuffs and neck fluff

How to Join

-Be a member of Ethereal Realms

-Share this event in a journal or the forum

Fill out the form and post below

How to get more traits

- tag 2 people +1 admin trait OR Special trait

- be a member of our discord + 2 admin trait OR Special trait  (make sure you're a full member for this to count)

-advertise outside of TH +1 admin trait OR Special trait

Do all of the above and unlock all Admin traits 

Shared link:
other links


- Slots can not be sold.
- Slots do not expire

-Please do not advertise or post any designs on Amino
- Please send in your MYO for approval here or discord

MYO event ends 18th of September at 11.59PM Australian Eastern Standard Time