Ethereal Realms's Bulletins

For this month we will be celebrating Pride month
(Shout out to Fluff for suggesting the event)

To celebrate Pride month we have brought back the Pride Gacha. To play this Gacha you must earn a special Pride Token, which can be earned by drawing the featured LGBT characters found in the Ethereal Realm Toyhouse main page.

Drawing a featured character
Must be at least half body or full body chibi and flat coloured
Drawing all 4 will earn you 5 tokens. You and the owner of the character will also gain an extra 1000 BG per character drawn
If you draw all of them as full body(non chibi) you will also earn double blood gem per art drawn

For those who do not draw. You may earn Gacha tokens for writing your character celebrating Pride month in some way.  Must be at least 500 words.  
500 words(100 or so shorter then this is acceptable) - 1 Pride token
600-1000 words -  2 Pride tokens
For every 100-200 words over the 1000 mark - 1 pride token
Including multiple characters will gain + 1 pride token per character
Involving one of the featured character will also earn a bonus 1000-2000 BGs

If you do not want to draw one of the featured characters but want to earn a token or simply want to earn an extra token or two. You may choose to draw one of your own LGBTQ+ Ethereal Realm characters celebrating Pride month. These must be at least be flat coloured  half body or full body Chibi. You may only do this once.

You may also gain a token for creating gifts/taking free requests featuring other members LGBTQ+ characters. These must be at least be flat coloured half body or full body Chibi. You may only do this once.
You gain 1 token per gift/request you create. You may also gain a bonus 500 BGs to 2000BG depending on the type of art you create, the one receiving art will also gain this bonus
If opening requests for this event - please make sure to link it below or on discord

Please make sure to put some effort into the art, please don’t create just for the items

Some prompts you may follow for this event, but not limited too
-Family / Family support
-Safe space
-Friend support day
-Anti Bully day
-Love is Love
-First Date
- Flag
-Pride scarf/bandana

And we will also be introducing a new lil Ethereal Realm pet: Unismusteli
They are completely free to make, however a pet certificate must be purchased to register your pet to allow them to play the pet playground or to gain special abilities

New pet event

For this event you may gain a unismusteli with a special smoke trail

instead of the single coloured pastel or sparkling smoke trail you will gain a special smoke trail that is in the colours of a pride flag of choice (sparkles optional).
To gain this special trait:
1. Design your  Sparkle Fur noodle aka Unismusteli
For those who do not draw. There will be free adopts as well. We will be allowing those who do not draw get first dibs on them
2. Draw or write one of your LGBTQ+ Ethereal Realm characters adopting one from Silverwing Sanctuary. This doesn’t need to be long or extremely detailed
Possible ideas:
Polaroid photo holding your new pet with it’s certificate

You finding the right one in the Sanctuary adoption area

Also for this event you will also gain a free pet certificate, allowing you to officially registering to your character
Plus you will also gain one of the following abilities
- Energy shower

Owner can now share energy like their pet, without losing their own. Will help speed up healing. This also lasts 24 hours

-Speak with animals

for 24hrs you can speak to any animal and understand each other

-Long distance relationships

Your little buddy duplicates themself, the duplicate will disappear and reappear next to the one you are missing the most. The main form will then astroprojects you to the side of the one you miss, and the duplicate will give the other person the ability to see you.

If the one you miss is a dearly departed, then the duplicate will act as a gateway to summon their spirit to give you time with them

Scolopendra Hounds Free MYO

Posted 3 years, 27 days ago by Inkblot-Wolf

Since my brain went ahead and made a new species

1 x common myo for all members

To gain a extra traits OR extra slot

Advertise the realm and this event in one other site(or server if allowed) - Unlocks All uncommon
Advertise in a second place to unlock x1 rare trait (can earn 2 rare traits) OR to unlock a second common slot
to gain extra traits make sure you link or screenshots to these advertisements

To enter: Include a bug pun

To gain your slot:
Advertisement links/proof:

Note: These slots can not be sold.

Silverwing Sanctuary is having a special day to celebrate the dragon that the place was named after

There's many chores needing to be done and creatures to get ready so they can find a home

Write or draw your Ethereal Realms OC volunteering at the shelter in some way
Maybe they are baking some treats for the celebration or helping out with the various creatures?
They could even be putting up decorations in the reception


1000 blood gems PLUS the choice of:

- 1 x Full uncommon with 2 Rare traits pet MYO of choice + pet certificate


- 1 rare pet trait upgrade potion

Drawn entries must at least be flat colour and half body

Written entries must be at least 600 to 1000 words


-if one of your character already own a pet (remember they must have a pet certifcate to count) including them will gain you a pet gacha token

-Include another members OC gain a pet gacha token

-Include a background gain 3 pet gacha tokens

Pet gacha

1 token = 1 play

Rolls can be made here

or in the event section of discord


-Pet certificate and mystery non species pet from Inkblot Wolf

-Pet ability: Blood gem boost (gain double gem when drawing your pet character)

-Pet ability: Pet playground friend bonus (got another member in the area at the same time? you can gain duplicate of the items if you share)

-Pet breeding certificate. Allows 1 pet offspring. comes with pet certificate

-Rare Kitticore MYO + Pet certificate

-Rare Voodog MYO + Pet certificate

-Pet certificate

-Pet certificate + all common Fiendling

-Pet certificate Rare Vapour Pony

Event will end on the first of May

All entries can be posted to either discord or here in the comments
When submitting an entry please include
Event title:
 Characters used: (TH/dA links are appreciated)
Prize option: (only if there is multiple on offer)
 Your entry link/post

Referral System

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

We will be implementing a new system in to the group, to help the group grow some more. It will also be an alternate way to gain items, MYO and Gacha tokens

How will it work?

You will only gain points if the person you invite to the group joins. Not just invites alone

If the person leaves imediately or within a week, your points will not count.


For each person who you invite and join you gain +1 Referal Gem.

If they  also join dA and Discord as well you will get + 1 RG per site joined

Meaning you may earn up to a max of 3 RGs per person you invite

These Gems will be redeemable in

Referral system interest?

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

So was thinking about implementing a sort of referral system to the group.

So if you refer a certain amount of people and they join you can gain points that go toward getting items and MYOs

So for every 1 person who you refer and that ends up joining will earn you a single point

Points can be added up to earn

Trait upgrades
MYO slots
Gacha tokens

New feature: Birthday gacha

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

What is it?

special Gacha that can only be played in your Birthday month. 1 Free roll (no rerolls)

Prizes you can win:

MYOs (uncommon to Legendary)

Upgrade items

Blood Gem Gacha Tokens

Discount Tokens

Bloodgems(2000 to 20000 BGs)

Birthday themed traits

and more

Anyone who has already celebrated a Birthday during Jan and Feb will be allowed to roll

The gacha can be found in gachapon alley part of the forum or on the group discord

New Gacha

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

A lupevine only gacha
You'll be able to get special items that will only affect Lupevines

Lupevine gacha is semi permanent

It will be open every 3 months

And will be open for the entire month

Gacha Machine update

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Inkblot-Wolf

There is now a fae themed gacha in gachapon alley in the forums and discord

It cost the usual 500 BGs to play