Moonlit Academy

Moonlit Academy 


An Academy for all ages.
 Originally it was the first University that caters to all species. But later it broaden it teaching levels to teach all ages and even into further studies.
  It is one of many places that has ground that connect the Mundane Realm and Ethereal Realms.

You may enroll an Ethereal Realm species character for 8000 BGs. All characters enrolled as a student will gain 20% discounts of basic spell books. 10% of advanced on each full moon.  The ability to use magic without holding spellbooks. 1 free elemental magic spell. Once a month they can attempt to brew a potion. Potion effects will vary on roll. Also if character is buying for themselves(or to gift) they get 10% student discount in Velks store. Plus a free student gacha token every 3 month

Non-species OC can also be enrolled freely. However they do not gain any of the benefits such as gacha, spells, etc

Student gacha has the opportunity to earn spells, items or further discounts

For all those enrolled in Moonlit Academy from Highschool to University level of learning only

Depending on the students preference they may choose to learn mundane world topics or explore much more magical topics.

However it is required for students to study at least 3 Mundane realm topics if they wish to explore the less Mundane

The Academy is broken into 5 dorms
Each represented by a creature

the dorms reflect what they are studying
If they are more into learning magic and all that is supernatural they would be placed accordingly

Ethereal Cat:

half in, half out.
those who choose to study a bit of all the realms have to offer join this dorm.
Those in this house study both mundane and magical
The dorm has a mascot in the form kitticore who freely wanders. A tad over fed by the students

Celestial Vulpine:

Want to study astronomy of the various realms?
this is the place to be.
They tend to have more camping trips and excursions

Draconis aquaris
This is for those who are wanting to study nature
They study both mundane and magical things related to nature. From your average cat and dog to massives dragons.
they also study natural remedies
Student’s get one free pet from Chase

Golden Owl

These are students who take on all that there is too offer magically.
Spells, potions, magical artifacts.
however they must take at least two mundane topics.

Silver Raven
Those who choose to pursue subject that are mostly mundane realm related
these range from all subjects available to the mundane realms regular schools

Each student possesses a pin to signify their schooling level. They also may choose to have a pin, keychain or item to represent their dorms
but it's not neccesary 


Borderless - Represents Primary school  students. Primary school aged are required to wear a uniform (ages 5-11/12lor species equivalent).  Education doesn't involve learning magic, but teaches about the different realms and species involved. Languages can also be learnt. They don't have a House at these stages.

Silver bordered - Highschool students- Uniform optional.(Ages 11/12/13 to 18). More hands on with creatures, learning about various magic available. Also offers same courses available in the mundane world. Magic use education begin at 16/17.  Can chose a house. However can freely switch if they don't feel they fit

Golden border - University/further study students. These can be those just wanting to learn their first spells or get more into a select set of subjects. Just think of University or TAFE but focused on magic and all the different realms.  Also included is the chance to learn Magical Tourism. 

ERspecies Male ethereal realms Female CS closed species ARPG gift art adopted AY ER Drakiest adult LGBTQ Paw Tail anthro male humanoid Feline Canine