About the World
1500s Medieval Setting | Fantasy | Vastians | Writing Organization | Two Stories One World

Vastia is a world extremely similar to ours, circa the 1500s, but the world is populated by Vastians--a species of cat-like humanoids. A heavy magical presence allows for slight technological and societal advancements, but in many senses it's still medieval.

Story 1: The Rebellion. Travel by sea is, for the most part, risky and dangerous--not much is known about what lies beyond the oceans. Two continents are connected by a land bridge, and the Pelisian empire is quickly taking claim of it all, conquering any other country it comes across and assimilating it under its iron grip. Most advncements in art, science, and magic are kept solely for the empire's gain, and the quality of life for the average citizen stays low. The threat of villages being razed and family members kidnapped into servitude should steep taxes not be paid weighs heavy on the mind. A growing rebellion is rising against this tyranny, lead by the former crown prince himself, determined to promote equality, peace, and freedom for all to live without fear. The Empire and its loyalist fat cats don't take kindly to such threats, and are determined to snuff out any trace of rebellion--though as the empire's grip tightens, some dukes, lords, and viscounts are choosing to instead aid the rebellion, fearing what may happen should the queen's power continue to grow unhindered.

This world is more likely to have more fantastical creatures and plantlife. A glossary of Vastian terms should be available, if not now then shortly.

Story 2: As the Stars Fall. Long ago, legend says the god of night, Niatryis, and the otherworldly goddess of chaos, Ajesmia, slayed each other in battle. They say his relics lay scattered across the mortal realm, dormant, but if they're all collected the god may return and grant the collector one wish, and immeasureable power. The journey to find these relics, however, is full of life-threatening risks, and tale of it all falls into myth. Ayana, a lonely housewife, falls in love with an amnesiac bard and flees her village to help on his journey to find these ancient relics, to restore the dead god and get the bard's memories back. But as they gather the relics, a dark force gathers its strength, determined to stop them in their tracks. Gods don't die easu. and the god of night isn't the only god who can be brought back...

This version of the world is more likely to resemble ours, save for a few interesting plants and animals, and the presence of magic. Feel free to learn more by looking at the related characters (Ayana, The Bard, Niatryis, Ajesmia).

The World Map

The green overlay shows forests on the continent. Blank countries have not yet been found by the Empire, or named by me. Rivers, lakes, and notable cities have been demarked by me. This map mostly relates to The Rebellion's story.