
Plush Dallycorns
This is a CLOSED species.


  • 12/2O/2O19: Page created


  • you can't make your own plush dallycorn (yet)
  • you can only change the adopts you get from me if you run the design past me first
  • you have to have toyhouse to get one the designs! this is so i can keep track of it
  • all plush dallycorn must have all of the trait requirements
  • if you own a plush dallycorn you must be a member of this group
  • if you don't use the character i will ask for it back
  • you're allowed to give them gorey or 18+ backstories, it doesnt have to all be fluff
  • you can join the group even if u dont own one, or if you just want one


please ask if you would like to be put on a pinglist for adopts!

  • @cheesecat
  • @KermitLovesYou
  • @user


plush dallycorns are a species of plush beings that were enchanted to become alive. their traits are a mixture of dalmatians and unicorns. they are often kept as pets/companions.


[coming soon!!]



all plush dallycorns are made entirely of plush! they're magical stuffed toys, not biological animals. they can be anthro or feral, but can't change between the two. anthros are usually between 2-4 feet, ferals generally 8-16 inches. their insides are made entirely of stuffing. due to this, their mouths are just shallow holes similar to plushies, and they can't actually eat. they can talk though, and have little felt tongues in their mouths.

(Click image to see full resolution)


these are what make them alive! every plush dallycorn has a unique small plush heart placed inside them, these carry the magic that bring them to life. if the the heart is removed or destroyed the plush dallycorn will die. a removed heart can be put back in, but a destroyed heart can only be fixed if it's still intact, otherwise it is gone forever. They can change bodies by moving the heart from one to another, but this is rare.

(Click image to see full resolution)


every plush dallycorn has a horn! their horn can be any size, including so small it's covered by hair. their horns can be broken, skinny, fat, crooked, long, short, anything! but there can only be one horn, and it has to be on their forehead (it doesn't have to be in the middle, though). if horns are broken off they are usually replaced.

(Click image to see full resolution)


plush dallycorns have floppy ears! some can have cropped or missing ears, but it's incredibly rare because they are never born that way, it can only happen by accident. their ears can be any size as long as they're floppy! ears may have fur growing on or inside them.

(Click image to see full resolution)


like ears, all plush dallycorns are born with tails but they may become missing or broken throughout their life. tails can be any length, and may have fur growing on them (or not!).

(Click image to see full resolution)


when plush dallycorns are made, they're always given a little tag, like a plushie. the tag can say anything or be anywhere on the body, but the most common place for it is underneath the tail. it can be removed and replaced at any time, and some may choose not to have a tag at all.

(Click image to see full resolution)


plush dallycorns can be any color, with any design! they are usually highly saturated and colorful, but this isn't required. the only requirement is that they have at least 3 spots somewhere on their body. the spots don't have to be round, they can be heart-shaped or star-shaped or whatever!

(Click image to see full resolution)


plush dallycorns don't have sexual organs! they may use any pronoun and identify as any gender. they can't reproduce by normal means, so new ones are created by magical means.

they are created by being sewn together and stuffed, like a plush. bodies are usually made by specially trained plush dallycorns, but they can also be created by humans. their heart is then enchanted by their "parents" with a magic that will bring them to life. nothing can ever go wrong with creating one, if you mess up the spell up it just doesn't work.

all plush dallycorns have a set "age" that they act like, and will remain for the rest of their life. they do not age and are immortal, they can only die if their hearts are destroyed. they feel no pain because they are made out of fabric, so a hole being sewn back together causes them no distress.

【living conditions】

most plush dallycorns live in groups, usually of 4-6 but can be any amount. some live as companions with humans. because they're plushies, they can live in any environment but try to avoid rain or wet areas.
