About Wanderlust

Wanderlust is a story of adventure and magic and its consequences. Loriel and Sulu set off from the dragon city of Aberdeen in the West Fold to pursue the mysteries of their tyrannical kingdom and explore the hidden spellcrafts of Çheveralain.

Now on the run from their kingdom for the crime of witchery and desertion, the pair must travel through the worlds to find a way to unravel it from the claws of the wicked.

With the help of a strange book found in the dusted old home of her old nursemaiden, Loriel must unfurl her destiny set long ago.


This story is still in development and will hopefully be finalized in an animated series or a comic.

Roleplay for Wanderlust is restricted to friends only, and would likely only be non-canon to the story!

The Cast

Adventurous Gullible Imaginative Rash

Loriel is the main character of Wanderlust. She is the last known "witchblood" dragon in all of Çheveralain and is the child of high nobility. Lore has a great affinity for the magical arts, unheard of in any dragon for a millennium. Her spellwork is volatile but powerful, however, it is in great need of training and polish - a thing she refuses to realize.

Anxious Reasonable Co-dependant Loyal

Sulu is the trusted companion of Loriel. She is a fèidh stolen from her homeland beyond the raging deserts of Aberdeen. She longs to return to her kin but can't let go of the spark in her heart for Loriel. She is dainty and polite, never wanting to cause trouble. She plans ahead where Lore fails to and keeps track of the dangers that lie on their path. Unlike Loriel, Sulu has no "witchblood" in her veins and can only perform the small natural magic that manifests in her species.

Motherly Dulcet Frail Protective

Estell is the deceased nursemaiden of Loriel. A Quiliraen from the wildlands, Estell was more a mother to Lore than either of her mothers of blood and law. She taught her the ways of the Siren's Breath when Loriel was a wyrmling and filled her head with stories of outside the great walls of Aberdeen. Estell died of a sickness when Loriel was still young. She frequently visited the cliffs of Estell's old home and grave before the start of her journey.

Reserved Longing Curious Obedient

(wip)Elphaba is the Princess Imperial of Lathliore and minor love interest of Loriel. She is very protected by the royal family, hardly ever being allowed to leave the palace. She is always heavily guarded and under strict restrictions. She longs to see the world outside the palace - especially what lies above the waves of the underwater city. She is quite an awkward creature who only desires companionship.


Flit is underdeveloped lmao.


The Setting


Aberdeen is the great desert kingdom of the West Fold. The grand dragon kingdom of the west, a land as hot as dragon's breath and just as deadly. A kingdom centralized where the three great deserts Talane, Galine, and Roehoen linger.

It is a place of scorching sands and power, where the breath of the dragon forged its way through ruin and rage to form the most powerful kingdom of Çheveralain. Along the paths through the great desert are various towns thriving on springs and rivers that snake beneath the sands. But the most populated city is that at the Center Sweep, where the sands of the great deserts twist together and The Grand Mountain grows tall. All cities are well guarded by Aberdeen's elite and mercenaries. Trade is carefully monitered and permits are required for travel. Information is controlled by the capitol and scholars operate by word of the king.



Lathliore is the kingdom of the water serpents; east of Aberdeen and one of its stronger allies. Its grandeur lies under the foaming waves, but a touch of its glittering city lies on a mountain peak just above the water where land creatures can partake in a bit of its culture.

The waters of the kingdom are quite warm and full of reefs and small underwater townes. Lathliore lacks the vicious predjudice that is token in its sister kingdom of Aberdeen and is more welcoming to non-dragon kin - at least on the surface of the city. Below the waves, Lathliorians clutch to a deep distrust of strangers and are quite guarded to visitors behind their friendly exterior. Lathliore is a seemingly happy and prosperous kingdom, but there is a tension that lies just under the surface.



Ozryn, the kingdom of the floating isles and home to the Quiliraen and the airship.

At the borders of Ozryn lies The Great Mawe of Oceans, also known as The Deep Well. It is a massive pit in the middle of the oceans where water pours over the edge, creative gusts of wind and mist. Above and within the Mawe lies the Floating Isles of Ozryn held afloat through an ancient magic no soul still knows. The winds created by the Mawe are strong and tempermental, behaving irregularly which makes flight on the wing can be more treacherous than it seems. Thus, the Quiliraen have become adept at creating airships whose hulls and sails can resist the turbulent winds. Only a very skilled Quiliraen can properly navigate these skies on their own wing. Ozryn is a peaceful kingdom of farmers and inventors. They have no army nor king, making them more susceptible to other kingdoms' whims. The one reason they have not been overrun yet is by the protection of the winds of the Mawe.





The Story


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam augue est, venenatis non pulvinar vel, posuere eu sem. Aliquam sit amet mi massa. In ullamcorper, est luctus suscipit maximus, ante dolor pretium est, quis maximus libero sapien scelerisque turpis. Nullam vehicula condimentum elementum. Etiam maximus, justo sed finibus porta, diam risus hendrerit nulla, id pretium ex nibh ut elit. Nam volutpat efficitur sem, sed condimentum velit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam augue est, venenatis non pulvinar vel, posuere eu sem. Aliquam sit amet mi massa. In ullamcorper, est luctus suscipit maximus, ante dolor pretium est, quis maximus libero sapien scelerisque turpis. Nullam vehicula condimentum elementum. Etiam maximus, justo sed finibus porta, diam risus hendrerit nulla, id pretium ex nibh ut elit. Nam volutpat efficitur sem, sed condimentum velit.

Event Timeline

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In imperdiet rhoncus egestas. Morbi malesuada gravida dictum.


Genre Fantasy
Setting Çheveralain
Location Varied
Roleplay Friends Only
Rating 14+ Only
Membership Closed


Dark Themes


Playlist inspired by Wanderlust's story.

Wanderlust is a project Valhowlla