

Located inside a cave at the bottom of a canyon, on a rocky ledge above a deep, slow-moving river. A large flag with their team badge hangs over the river, a bit precariously. There is no path to the base. Instead, visitors must use the fallen log as a bridge from the other side of the river. It is very sturdy! A path runs up to the top of the canyon from that side, decorated with signs and small branches to outline a path. Outside the base, there is a large rockpile that the team likes to bask on when not working. A single tree grows near the log bridge, but it does not block the sun from the rock pile. There's a few rocks that lead down a ledge that's level with the river, for team members who want to swim without crossing. The front of the cave is decorated as if it was a house, an oak frame with a large window and door. A small cactus sits on the windowsill.

Inside, there is a tree stump for a table, alongside a few smaller stumps that are used as chairs. A hole in the cave roof lets light into the cave, it's surprisingly bright during the day. There are a few dim candles scattered around in an unorganised manner, which are lit at night by Varin. There's a small drop to the right, which is where the team keeps items they have recovered from jobs. The middle of the cave has yet to be furbished. The cave curves around to a slightly larger open space, out of sight of the window. The walls of this area have pockets in them. Team members use these ledges and pockets to create their personal spaces. Some have beds made out of leaves and straw since they are easier to replace than new blankets, as town is far away. Although, most do have blankets, as well as other personal objects such as plushies and treasure.