
Demonym: Hochaiamer

Government type: Technocracy

Hochaiam is placed upon a volatile environment. Its lands previously housing a war that waged on for 600 years, alongside dangerous tampering with the wildlife and its environment, Hochaiam tends to be on the colder side with winds. When winter comes, Hochaiamers are unable to go outside without thick coats. Usually, at the coldest, an individual cannot go outside for even a mere few seconds without gaining frostbite. Alongside Hochaiam's dangerous winters, every few years their land gets warmer, and there comes the blazing summers. From one extreme to the other, at its hottest, individuals are unable to go outside without quickly gaining sunburn. It is a constant switch every few years from winter to summer. Thus, Hochaiamers are naturally adaptive to their environments.

Capital City: Nextaica

Demonym: Nextaicese

City: !

Demonym: !