-Connection gate has been opened. Scanning all frequencies...
-Multiple timelines detected. Running the safety protocols...
-Exiting light speed. Powering down engines for safe approach.
-Incoming transmission: "Welcome traveler. You have arrived to the CORE timeline of "Tyrsan" multiverse. Please head to ######## station for check up."

We wish to warmly welcome you to Tyrsan! This universe is made out of 9 galaxies that co-exist and travel together trough the abyss and are protected by the great celestial beings. These galaxies being: Alterias, Marshalie, Terassi, Aurela, Pixelation, Eastan, Kalamstri, Poplars and our newest addition Grandit. Each of these beautiful galaxies vary greatly in ecosystem and its respective habited species. Some in peaceful and some more unforgiving by their nature. Despite our differences Tyrsan's union of peace sees all lifeforms as worthy of protection regardless of its evolution, status or size. Especially species who have existed here for eons are seen as important part of our history. While we cannot prevent the cycle of life and death. We seek to offer safety to many creatures within our systems to offer them natural way of passing by the hands of time.

Within Tyrsan's authorities and alliance we affiliate ourselves with many different yet fascinating species. These may come from inside our territory and those far beyond! Therefore its very important for us to use a diplomatic approach. While you may already ask yourselves "Will higher entities allow us to cross paths?" feel not to worry! We do have our higher entities such as gods and goddesses, however they seem not to be interested by the acts of us mortal beings. Its a very rare case for one of our many higher entities to step forward and show themselves to mortals. However they are quite territorial when it comes to other celestial entities invading their space. They may or may not feel threatened by other creatures who could challenge them. Therefore if such event or threat was to cross our paths we will notice them in time.

You may have already noticed our highly advanced technology and artificial intelligences. Most of our intelligent species within Tyrsan have advanced technology, which is most commonly shared amongst our alliance's joined forces. Currently our alliance is build amongst these following species: Halichoerus, Eristapha, Humans, Masilastras, Nynskaska, Preriatos, Proto-humans and Toraks. While most of these species tolerate each other and other alien lifeforms. We wish to remind our visitors and civilians about the other factions within Tyrsan. All planets and species still have their own governments and culture despite the presence of intergalactic alliance.

These cultures and governmental foundations while being watched by our alliance, still have their own personalized civilizations. Therefore some cultures may vary greatly by behavior, traditions and how they treat strangers. Of course we do not wish you to judge their entire race or Tyrsan as a whole due one individual's actions. However we wish to bring knowledge of possible strange or unpleasing events that may occur during your tourist rides. While criminal activity is not as publicly visible there are crimes done here and there. If you witness any rule or guideline violation, please contact the nearest member of the authority about the crime.

Tyrsan, its lore and species (excluding non-native species) are property ofShadzerios. You may not claim Tyrsan or its belongings as your own, use them for commercial puproses or steal them. Please credit the owner properly when showcasing creatures or multiverse. Non-native species are and should always be credited to their respective owners seperately from Tyrsan.

The code used within our world pages is free-to-use assets created bylowkeywicked. The original code has been edited byShadzerios for more suitable appearance purpose.

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