Valentines Day


Valentines Day has arrived! Upon entering the school you already notice that all the students seem extra giddy and happy today. Everyone is thinking about love, friendship and care~  

Some girls are running around gifting sweets to everyone, even the teachers smile happily and greet you upon seeing you enter. You smile, wondering if someone would possibly confess to you today! Maybe you'll even receive a secret crush love letter
Your face flushes up and just as you close the shoelocker you notice a small figure approach you "excuse meee" the little girl's voice calls out to you. Oh gosh, you've seen her before! It was the small blonde Kanna from Class 1. 

Your heart skips a beat (be it excitement or anxiety). Is this a confession?! "Uhm---" she continues, looking at you shyly "I've lost a love letter somewhere in school" Her eyes tear up at the memory how long she spent writing it.
"I've looked everywhere but I can't find it. Would you be kind enough to help me look for it?" 

     > Yes, I'll help you look for it!

     > No..... I can't bother helping 

     > Only if you give me a reward! 

"Find all love letters in school"





  Your first task has arrived! Find all the 12 Love Letters that are in Nuigurumi-High. You can find them anywhere that's related to Nui-High  To collect them, simply copy paste their URL or screenshot the image.    When you have found all 12 Letters say ''I've found all letters'' in the discord #vday channel and submit all URL/screenshots as proof. 

  This Event is for everyone. However only 1 character you own can earn the reward. You can't have "multiple" OCs finding all 12 letters.  (Your OC doesn't need to be finished to participate)

  This Scavenger hunt has no deadline! It ends once the first person has found all 12 Love Letters. Upon end of this scavenger hunt, you can unlock a second event!

  The First person to finds all love letters will be given a stamp card reward.
