
Fae were not the benevolent and ethereal beings often romanticized in tales - They were dangerous, rather formidable creatures.

Humans drove Fae to extinction 114 years ago. But their essence lingered. Over time, humans unearthed ways to infuse their residual magical energies, known as cores, into various items known as conduits. These conduits became prized possessions, channeling the vestiges of Fae magic into everyday use. 

Then, a new and potent magical substance emerged three decades ago—Umbra. Its unparalleled power granted access to powerful spells, yet its utilization posed grave risks. Legislation swiftly banned the use of Umbra in magical items, but this prohibition failed to halt its illegal circulation within the underbelly of society. 

Now, nestled between awedropping skyscrapers and seedy back-alleys, powerful crime families vie for control of the trade of illicit goods circulating the city.