


Introduction First
Before you can join the world, you must post an introduction, found in the links on the front page. Once your introduction is posted, you'll be sent an invite (or your invite will be accepted if you invited yourself), and you will be able to start making your characters! You will not be able to join beforehand, and your characters similarly will not be accepted until their bios are complete.

Adults Only
This community is adults only! This is for the legal safety of our members, and the personal comfort of the community as a whole. The head admin has Mature Blocker on as well, meaning unless you've lied about your age, you'll be stopped at the door, but please do not lie about your age.

This rule also applies to all characters! Regardless of the way your character ages, be it faster or slower than humans, they must be mentally that of an 18 year old adult or older. This is for PLAYING characters, not NPCs around your characters such as children, siblings, etc.

Activity Checks
Activity checks is a way for staff to ensure the forum is staying active and up-to-date! In these monthly checks (which are posted in OOC bulletin), you'll be given a set of tasks to complete within the span of two weeks. Once the check is over, staff will read through the replies and clean up as needed.

These checks have a two strike policy which details as such: if you miss one check, you must reply to the next to let us know you're still here and interested in participating! However, if you miss the next as well (with no hiatus post or communication with staff), that's strike two and you'll be bumped. Don't worry, though! You can always re-join later when you feel you're more ready!

There are ways to be exempt or earn extensions from these checks if life is too messy! You can post a hiatus post HERE and it will exempt you from checks. If you feel you just need an extension, come talk to the staff! We'll work with you. :)

Finer details are posted within the activity check posts themselves, but if you still have questions, please ask!

Original Characters
ToyHouse doesn't allow canon characters to be submitted, however there's workarounds to this. While you cannot play a direct canon character or use official artwork from any series, if you have a version that's so far removed from canon that they're essentially an OC, you're able to rename them and give them a new appearance and continue playing! If you're not sure about this, please ask, we'll be happy to help. :)

No Metaplay or Powerplay
The biggest key to a happy roleplay relationship is consent from both parties. You need to communicate with your partner before you make a major decision that could potentially affect your partner's character. Additionally, you can't force a character into a corner because they don't have permission to retaliate, you can't give your character knowledge that they shouldn't have, and you can't overpower your partner at every turn. If the play becomes problematic, bring it to staff and it'll be sorted.

Death is (Mostly) Permanent
Once your character dies, you can't have them alive and well in the next thread! All roleplays are on a single timeline always moving forward. If you make the decision to maim or kill your character during roleplay, that decision will be permanent, and you'll either have to live with that disability in all future threads, or submit a new character if the old one was terminated. This doesn't apply to un-killable characters (for ex: immortal, undead, etc), of course. Plots for revival are perfectly acceptable, so is playing your character as a ghost, provided you play the ghost like a ghost.

Posting Templates
While you don't have to, you are allowed to use posting templates to display your replies in a fun and expressive way (Such as the way the rules are displayed in a container)! However, if your partners have trouble reading your templates in any capacity, you must edit it. Reading your posts should not become a chore, and should not value aesthetic over functionality. If you continue to fail to use legible posts, you'll be banned from being allowed to use them at all, and continued usage will result in being banned from Arcadia.

Character Limitations
There is no limit to the number of characters you can use on Arcadia, but you must be able to manage all of them. You're also able to roleplay in threads with yourself, if it helps further your character's plot!

This community is considered "pro-ship" and supports authors expressing themselves in fiction while being mutually understood that unfavorable acts are not condoned in real life. If something makes you uncomfortable, squicks you out, or triggers you, then communicate with your partner and alter or cease the thread. Policing content will absolutely not be tolerated, and if anything is found offensive, such as hate speech, it should be brought to staff. If it is proven to be "anti"-ideology instead of a true concern, it will result in a ban.