The Cult of the Cleansed

People who refuse to get engraved. People from the cult refuse to get engraved even when mandatory(e.g. when you join the human army you have to get a few mandatory spells)

The people don't really care about them since they don't annoy the people. They make themselves visible with small peaceful(for now) protests. 

They are still allowed in the army but in a subdivision which has the nickname "Suicide Squad" placed on the subdivision by the engraved soldiers.

Soldiers that rise through the ranks are only allowed to the rank of Command Sergeant(in their own subdivision). 

Ranks above are taken by engraved soldiers.

This is done because the pure soldiers have a much higher chance to be killed during and out of battle and thus makes the chances of the subdivision becoming without a leader are really high.

Last updated: 18/05/2021