Ozeana is a fantasy type world with many species, countries and characters. Ozeana is covered in about 90% water. The people of Ozeana have had to learn how to conquer this setback or perish. There are 3 large countries and many smaller islands. Many islands have been turned into a safe haven for pirates. There is also a large underwater country.

The Fauxlei Kingdom, flat and cold,  have mastered the oceans, their navy is the largest in the world and they’re even known to make deals with pirates in exchange for their assistance. 

The Serphine Kingdom, largest natural land mass on the planet and mountainous, have overcome their hardships through the use of dragons. These magnificent beasts flourish in this environment and are nearly never found anywhere else in the world.

The Tantine Empire, a small and tropical island, is a country that is mostly inhabited by Elves. These powerful magic users have artificially made the country bigger and have become the largest and most powerful country.

The Octine Territory is an country that is not well known due to where it resides. It’s underwater and the exact expanse is unknown to outsiders. It has a good relation with Serphine as it surrounds the country but even they don’t know much about their neighbor.

The rest of the world and small islands scattered about are mostly inhabited by pirates and are ruled by whatever person holds the biggest stick. Lawlessness isn’t the right word though, many pirates, while certainly not good people, do live by some sort of code with some sort of loyalty and try to keep their few safe ports unsullied.