Abyssmal Realms's Bulletins


Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by LynxxRain

Our purpose is not a means to an end. But the means of the end. 

My arms are open come lie with me at the end of the world.


Apocalypse is a gang built by Havok who truly wants nothing more than to cause some trouble and raise some hell. A demon with a fondness for taking in outcast strays Apocalypse gives these strays freedom and protection to wreak their dues on the world that has abandoned them.

They operate out of an old abandoned community college campus on the south side of the city that's been refurbished and rebuilt in places with the gang's funds in order to accommodate all it's members comfortably.

Each member takes on a Havoc synonym as an alias.


Apocalypse is divided into four sectors each with a Horseman or two in charge.

Pestilence: Drug running, drug dealing, meth making etc

War: fighters (underground fight rings), thugs for hire, bodyguards

Famine: Thieves, smugglers, black market, information brokering, loan sharks etc

Death: Cold blooded killers for hire

 Each Horseman can pick a rider as their second in line in case something happens to them if there isn't a second horseman in line.

Besides Horsemen and Riders, the rest of the members of a sector are just gang members who follow missions set by their Horsemen. Horsemen can be exchanged if a challenge for command is made by a member seeking to prove themselves more capable of the role. A challenge is then chosen by Havok who will judge the competition and pick whichever member she feels is more capable.

Murder of other members is not approved of. You are family. Any attempt at murder will be punished by the same measure dealt by Havok personally.


Pestilence: Claimed

War: Claimed

Famine: Ruin


Gang Mark

Each gang member must wear an accessory bearing the Apocalypse skull and more often than not is color-coordinated with their particular faction. The accessory can be any item of their own choosing, a necklace, a pin, a scarf...even a tattoo if they're feeling particularly loyal. Each faction is also represented by a symbol.

Pestilence: Green: The Bow

War: Red: The Blade

Famine: Blue: The Scales

Death: Purple: The Scythe

Sellsword Guild

Posted 8 years, 19 days ago by xVerdelet
A guild located in its own little dimensional pocket. Members of the guild have cards that can open up portals to the front gate. Outsiders must find Guild Posts (located just about everywhere in the world) to contact the guild.


Sellsword Guild, more commonly known as The Guild, is an organisation started by a powerful demon, Reza. It's a mercenary guild, essentially, offering jobs to monsters in need of money for reasons Reza frankly doesn't give a damn about. Reasons could go from world domination to simply fitting in human society without actually working a human job. The guild accepts everyone, human or monster, as members, and accepts everyone as clients. It's a system that works well, until things get complicated, but the Guild claims zero responsibility for anything such as death of members or death of bystanders, or members killing each other for being on different sides of the same job.

Honestly, the founder himself has his own purpose for running the guild, and occupational health and safety isn't remotely important.

Membership Cards

New members get a black card, the same size as a credit card. The card is enchanted, allowing monetary transactions between both monsters and humans.

When members take up a job, they're paid a certain amount of Credit, the central currency used by the Guild. When the card is used to pay for things, the credits are automatically converted into the currency needed.

In addition to that, the cards act as portal keys, allowing members to cross from Earth to the Guild building, as well as communicators between members. The symbol on the card glows blue when used as a communicator.


Members are ranked from F (lowest) to S (highest). Above them are Ranks SS and SSS, the former held by staff of the guild, and the latter held only by the co-founder of the guild, Heinz.

Jobs given to guild members are categorised according to the amount of credits awarded- the more credits you can get, the more dangerous the job, and the higher your rank has to be. Generally, a member can only take up jobs of their own rank and below. The rank also decides on the credits cut out of one's pay for the staff of the guild. The higher the rank, the bigger the cut. This means that few members actually take up jobs below their rank, since the cut won't change based on the rank of the job itself.

While it's most common for members to start at Rank F and work their way up, many choose to pay their way to higher ranks and/or prove their ability to be a higher rank. The guild is fairly lenient when it comes to rank jumping though- after all, it's your neck on the line, not theirs.

Celastaris Information

Posted 8 years, 20 days ago by Inkqubus


Celastaris is a heavenly place. This world is ran by a hierarchy of angels with one 'god' at the top. Celastaris is split into 5 countries, all vary in species and populace.


The capitol country, and thus the rulers of the world reside here; The Angelic council. Here is a very large hightech city with many holy beings. On the outskirts are small farms with celestial beasts.


An island that is home to the prophet. Here, there is no inhabitants besides some creatures. There is one temple where the prophit lives. No one but the council know about the other things here.


A place full of military bases and training grounds. Here is where soldiers of Celastaris live and train. There is various terrain here.


Where 'outcast' angels live. These angelic beings live in easy-going lifestyles but are frequently patrolled to make sure nothing is going on. This is the country where many traitors were originally from.


Pure wilderness. Seen as a sort of national park in a way. Many pets are found here for the residents of other countries.


City of rebirth. Souls are brought here to be judged. This will decide if they go to reincarnate in the mortal realm, sent to Avdima, or ascended to Celastaris.

Avdima Information

Posted 8 years, 20 days ago by Inkqubus


 Avdima is a realm similar to the Underworld. Here, many demonic creatures live and prosper under the rules of the leaders of various countries. There are three main countries in Avdima. Baalsic, Astornia, and Zagaren with two smaller countries hoping to rise to the top.



The ones who rule it are shrouded in mystery. It is a very spiteful country full of violent thugs and neerdowells.  They keep to themselves more than not, allowing Avdima to stay in peace for the time being.



The land of the Spectrum Alliegiance, This land is a safe-haven for demons and demonic beings alike. There has been peace since Lilith took over the country.

Here is where there are many cities and places. Including the Spectrum Castles.

The first Spectrum Castle is Atra Castle. Lilith, the head succubi of the castle, rules over the small town below it and the surrounding country. Those of Atra are the highest in nobility in the land of Astornia and are the backbone of what keeps the country together.

The second Spectrum Castle is Rutilus Castle. Here, Damien Velasco, an Incubus, runs the military power of the county of Astornia. When Lilith states to fight, Damien will set up the army.

The third Spectrum Castle is Puteulanus Castle. Phenex runs Puteulanus Castle with an iron fist. Those within this family are ones who take on political leading. They go to other countries to speak with the leaders there and deal with all monetary things.

The fourth Spectrum Castle is Viridis Castle. Bastet controls this castle. Those within this castle worry about the smaller scuttles within the country along with minor policing. They make sure the laws are kept to and run the courts.



Zagaren holds a land of scaled demons. These demons are fairy peaceful and value riches and land more so than taking things by force. Many are taught in the ways of battle and hired mercenaries are common here.



A small developing country within Avdima. It isn't very big at this point and has been split between the three major countries before seeing as how it is resting between them all. A small parliament style group has decided to take over and make it a decent place for those who are outcasted from other countries. Here you can find the group of vampires growing in fame called the Zodiac Alliegance. Besides them, you'll find wary travellors and poor outcasts.


An Island in the middle of the west sea. Not much is known of this place yet.