Plague Traits (Cured)

NOTE: These traits can be used since a cure was found during the Vitruvious Impact Event of 2021.


Please.... Let me out...
Vitruvious Plague Traits

Subject ID #: VIPF00-1A

Classification: Contagion Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: Subject VIPF00-1A has been confined to the Vitruvius Hospital’s Floor 12A, Sub-division 8 for further study. All staff are required to wear specialized HAZMAT suits when dealing with this Subject. Subject has been known to infect via skin-to-skin contact; precautionary measures should be taken to prevent contagion from spreading at all costs. Under no circumstances may any staff member come into direct contact with Patient VIPF00-1A without proper protection.

Any and all Subject VIPF00-1A samples have been deemed Class VIII extreme biological hazards, and all related protocols apply. Incineration measures must be deployed according to Hospital policy in the event of escape resulting in mass contamination; a power failure; or zero communications from outside channels during any given four to six hour period.

The quarantine period for staff leaving the facility is six months, paid leave. If a breach has occurred, evacuation or incineration measures shall be deployed according to Classification of breach.

Description: Subject VIPF00-1A appears as a small child Seoc with alabaster skin, pale green eyes and long blond hair. She also has a ribbon stitched eye, neck and torso with an impossibly large, fluffy monster tail. The tail creature appears to be harmless, however its saliva contains a powerful narcotic enzyme that could potentially render its victim unconscious indefinitely. Contact with Subject VIPF00-1A’s tail should be done with caution to avoid accidental unconsciousness.

Subject VIPF00-1A was a child Seoc created in the laboratories at Vitruvius Hospital as a genetic experiment using original DNA samples taken from Subject VCP00, Vile Malediction, crossbred with DNA samples taken from Subject ████████. Due to the volatile and anomalous nature of Subject ████████, Subject VIPF00-1A has not developed beyond a child-like state.

Though she is actually an adult, with a fully developed brain, Subject VIPF00-1A seems to enjoy preying upon the kind and genteel to her own advantage, using her appearance as a child to persuade and manipulate others to come closer and remain by her side. VIPF00-1A has displayed remarkable dexterity and physical reaction to pain stimuli, learning quickly how to avoid damage if at all possible. These abilities appear to be greatly hampered in the presence of strangers, in an attempt to garner sympathy in much the same way a fallen child will refrain from crying unless a parent or other adult is present and witness to the fall.

There is strong evidence to suggest that Subject VIPF00-1A could not be contained again if she ever escaped. Because of her diminutive stature and the fact that she resembles a child, she could be easily mistaken for an orphan and adopted out to a willing family. In that event, removal of the Subject would be rendered impossible without quarantining the entire family or disposing of them entirely.

The medication created during the Vile Curse Project (VCP) seems to stabilize Subject VIPF00-1A’s contagion but it does not render it nonvolatile.

Addendum 001: Subject VIPF00-1A has escaped her secure containment with the help of a very unfortunate staff member. Said staff member came into direct contact with Subject VIPF00-1A, resulting in unconsciousness and contamination. Staff member has been incinerated as dictated by Hospital Protocol.

Visual Trait Reference

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Written trait list

Traits of the disease caused by Subject VIPF00-1A include:

  • 100% infectiousness within seconds of contact
  • 100% mutation within hours of contact.
  • Transmission through skin-to-skin contact and all bodily fluids.
  • Traits exhibited depend solely on the DNA of the individual infected, so exact side effects will vary. It is unknown what enzymes or cells cause the different mutations in each individual.

Symptoms of infection with Subject VIPF00-1A manifest no more than one hour after exposure, and include but are not limited to:

Visual Trait Guide

Segmented jaw-- Common

  • The jaw bone of the Seoc has fragmented due to an illness. It is now able to open in sections, as well as wider than usual. The presentation is dependent upon the teeth trait.

Overgrowth-- Mutation

  • A parasitic creature has overtaken the Seoc's neck and lower jaw, turning it into a 'pseudo-jaw' to allow it to feed. It's body can be any texture [fur, scales, slimy/ etc] but it is always flecked and lined with teeth. It is not changed by the Seoc's own teeth trait, as there will always be thick, sharp teeth. It may not have eyes, ears or limbs as it is fully fused to the Seoc.

Wraith Tendrils [bone mane]-- Uncommon

  • Due to a bone marrow disease, the body has begun to create long, thick, bone-like structures around the neck, shoulders and upper back in varying sizes, creating a mane-like structure. This is NOT a body spike trait.


  • Like Horde and Parasite, Pox is a trait that affects the main eye trait. However, unlike those two traits, Pox also affects the mouth/ teeth of the Seoc as well, causing teeth to grow upon the outside of the mouth and along one side of the face-- opposite the eyes that have moved to one side of the face. This ONLY affects the main eye and teeth traits!

Wraith Flesh add-on -- Legendary

  • A variant upon Wraith Tendrils, the flesh add-on allows teeth to appear upon the body but not around the neck/ shoulders. These are NOT body spikes. This is NOT a variant of the open/closed teeth torso trait!

Dolly body -- Uncommon

  • Due to a currently unknown sickness, the joints of the body have rounded and changed to resemble ball-joints. This sickness mostly affects the arms, legs and hips and is not enhanced or cured by the use of prosthetics.

Semi-liquid skin -- Rare

  • An illness has turned the skin to a semi-liquid state [magma/ lava, slime/ etc]. The flesh oozes constantly but ultimately keeps its basic body shape as though clinging to its skeletal structure. The only way to change the skin into a solid is by magic, and it is not a permanent fix [i.e. there is generally a time limit involved but it can be recast as much as desired].

Naga/Lamia/Scylla/Drider body types -- Mutation

  • Due to a sickness similar to rabies, and caused by the bite of a snake [naga/lamia], an octopus/squid [scylla], or a venomous spider [drider], the lower half of the Seoc's body will take on the traits associated with the creature that bit them.

Feathered/ furred arms/ hands -- Rare

  • Due to an illness, the arms and hands of the Seoc will grow thick hair/ fur upon the arms, hands or both

Carrier -- Mutation

*Two types

  • Spore: A sickness caused by a poisonous mushroom that causes a large cap or caps to grow upon the head of the Seoc.
  • Anima [any animal type]: Through a bite with a creature infected by the carrier sickness, animal traits will grow from the Seoc's head [i.e.- a cobra hood with attached tail or a wolf head, etc]. The full animal will grown upon the head, with its body cascading down the back of the Seoc to its entirety [think of it like a living pelt]

Avian feet/ Harpy arm-wings -- Legendary

  • Seoc who live within the Magic Mountains of Manheim know of an ancient bird-like creature that lives within the peaks of said mountain. It is the blood of this creature that has 'gifted' the Seoc with avian traits.

Button eyes [both main eye and vestigial]] -- Vile Curse Mutation

  • The grand result of wanting to know what it would be like to be without a traditional eye. The Plague Prince and his Doctor companion took great fun in this little...experiment.
Code by MoolkY