This is a closed species, meaning you can NOT make your own without my permission!


What are they?

Well, I'm sure you know what a heartache is. Hartaches are of something similar, made by scientists to treat patients suffering from "Broken Heart Syndrome".

Patients who suffer from BHS often show signs of depression, sleep apnea, anxiety, and drowsiness.

Hartaches come in all shapes and sizes. They can be as small as 3 feet to as tall as 9 feet, depending on the make.

Hartaches are androids who run on a type of medication called "Tender Hart" that they MUST take daily, and if they don't take them once a day, they too will fall victim to BHS. If a Hartache gets infected by BHS, they cannot be cured. It is a deadly virus for these androids. 

Most Hartaches have free will, real feelings, and despite being programmed to help suffering patients, a small amount of them don't always follow their instincts. These Hartaches are what we call, "Manufacturs" and are quite rare among their populasceleraartaches tears and blood are made of the same substance that are in gel capsules, and the gelatin can be any color.

Common traits: Gelatin tears + blood, heart-shaped pupils, pill-shaped pupils, colored scleras, headphones with glass cases holding gelatin 

Uncommon trait: Ribcage on the outside of their body, galaxy gelatin

Rare trait: Heart on the outside of their body, broken heart-shaped pupils

Legendary trait: Intestines on the outside of their body, literally always drooling and crying gelatin, no headphones, broken glass cases