
A Semi-Closed Species

Species Overview


Hearthkin are little domestic spirits (standing between 3 and 5 feet tall) who grant luck and assistance to those who summon them and show them kindness.

Once summoned — with small offerings and promises of loyalty — they will reside in a home until dismissed, doing small tasks and blessing their summoner's household with health and good fortune. While they are usually invisible to all but the most sensitive of humans, Hearthkin will sometimes show themselves to their summoners, should they be worthy of their trust.

On the contrary, hurting a Hearthkin's feelings is inviting chaos into your life. Even if they don't mean to cause harm, an upset Hearthkin can wreak havoc on their summoner's life. Suddenly, all of your milk will curdle and your favorite sweater will go missing, even though you swear you remember having hung it up in your closet. Depending on the individual, it may take a lot to make them angry, and you might be able to win their trust back, but a vengeful Hearthkin is a terrible thing to have in your home.

To keep in one's good graces, it's best to thank them daily and give them plenty of gifts — bells are prized among most Hearthkin, but they also love small trinkets and sweet food. They have no need for money, but do appreciate shiny coins (though many would rather have a handful of nice, fancy buttons instead).

While they can sometimes be a little simple at heart, they are very clever and can live for hundreds of years. Some will stay with families for generations, blessing them so long as they are remembered.

Or, in some cases, even if they forgotten.

(A Hearthkin's love is a powerful thing.)

Hearthkin Subspecies


Domestic common

Domestic Hearthkin are the purest form of Hearthkin, and the form from which all other subtypes emerged. They act as luck spirits, drawing their energy from the relationships they have with the humans in their households. Domestic Hearthkin are generally distrustful of other subtypes, due to their more complicated relationships with humans.

Dream rare

Dream Hearthkin are Hearthkin who have given up their physical form, either through death, injury, or will. They are often seen as bad omens, and are known to cause nightmares. However, not all Dream Hearthkin wish harm on humans — those who used to be loyal to a human will often stay with them even in this form, granting them good dreams and protection. They have spectral traits.


Seafaring Hearthkin have left the land behind and found a new life aboard boats and ships, keeping them safe and offering assistance to sailors. Seafaring Hearthkin who aren't bound to a ship, captain or crew will often live on rocky beaches and in abandoned lighthouses, helping to steer ships to safety. They have aquatic traits, such as fins and scales.

? ? ?rare

Walk tall beneath these trees, boy

You monolith, not scarred by fallout

Us wolves were right behind you

And Lucifer will never find you, oh no


? ? ?rare

I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you first

He'd put me deep, deep under so that he could work

And like the dawn you broke the dark and my whole earth shook

I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you


? ? ?rare

Come inside and lie down to sleep

You ain't gonna run and you know that you're beat

Rest awhile, they're coming for you

There's a price to be paid for the things that we do


Hearthkin are available as Make-Your-Owns (MYOs) or as premade designs.

MYOs are a systen that allows you to design your own Hearthkin. Your first Common-Type MYO slot is free! You can find out how to make one here. After that, a Domestic Subspecies MYO slot can be purchased for $6, and all other Subspecies can be purchased for $12. You can learn more about how to purchase MYO slots here. Patrons to our DVSKFALL Patreon get one free common MYO every month, as well as discounts on MYOs. Sometimes, we raffle off MYO slots, so keep an eye out for bulletins announcing those!

Premades are sold as already-made designs. They will be announced by bulletin whenever they are available! Patrons will get first access to any premade designs, often at a discount.

All Hearthkin can be sold and traded, including MYOs! (We only ask that MYOs are not sold for more than $25 unless they come with additional art.)

Hearthkin TOS

General TOS

  • Please credit the Hearthkin species and base art to CLVNHVS!
  • Hearthkin do not need to follow species lore, and can be used outside of the setting.
  • You may completely alter anything about a Hearthkin's design. We just ask that you keep to subspecies appearance lore if you intend to use them within the setting!
  • You may sell, trade or gift any design. Just make sure to link them to the Hearthkin TH World!
  • Please don't sell MYOs for more than $25 each.

Content TOS

  • Please do not make content that goes against Toyhou.se TOS with Hearthkin characters.
  • Do not create or purchase or otherwise acquire any artwork or written work including the design that fetishizes, mocks, or depicts aggression/violence toward any orientation, gender, race, or religion.
  • Do not create or purchase or otherwise acquire any artwork or written work including the design that fetishizes non consensual violence, or non consensual sexual situations.
  • Do not create or purchase or otherwise acquire any artwork or written work including the design that depicts any underage characters (this means minors under the age of 18) in sexual situations.