Entarra is a world cohabited by the peoples of two planets: those native to Entarra, and those who emigrated from the now-dead planet Demos. The citizens of Demos, Demons, fled their planet as its sun neared supernova. In search of a hospitable, empty planet to move to, the Demons instead found Entarra and, desperate, they begged sanctuary.

The integration of another planet's people was unexpected, difficult, and met with much fear—not in the least because of all the magic the Demons brought. But time passed, and Demons are now considered a normal—though still often feared—part of the planet's populace. They and their magic have brought great learning and development to Entarra.

After the Great Quakes, however, much information was lost. The original Demons who emigrated to Entarra and their direct descendants are long dead, and most of their ships were destroyed in the quakes. This was a major blow to the planet's knowledge of space travel, among other things. The world's current focus is on unearthing relics and history that was lost centuries past.

Space-travel is still far off, but the capability creeps closer every day. With it, hope amongst the Demons rises—hope that they'll be able to travel and find the splinter groups from their long-lost planet... the people who never made it to Entarra.

World directory (incl. world map)