Danganronpa Magicverse

About the World
Futuristic/Fantasy | Danganronpa Fanworld | Magical Humans | Semi-Open world | Invite-only

The world is a magical place, truly. It is, also, literally a magical place. This world is full of magic; many different types and combinations make up the abilities of each creature and person. There is truly very little limit to what is possible in this world. It only makes sense that science-minded people would want to study it. Unfortunately, the study of such a thing on living humans is unethical... but is it? Is it still unethical if no one knows those humans exist?

That is the premise, at least, for the first round of experiments. Originally, there were only supposed to be a hundred of them, but then that number grew. With each combination of DNA, from unwitting and unknowing sources and parents, the scientists only grew more interested in what would happen... as well as power hungry. They wanted more. That thirst kept growing, as did the numbers of children.

Of course, it would be impossible for such an experiment to last forever without any breaks. It was decided by the head Director of the experiment that all of the created children would be terminated when they reached their 18th birthday. It was only fair. Adults would be far too difficult to contain. Children were easy to control and manipulate, but once they became adults, all of that went away. There would be no use in keeping all of them alive, having to provide for them past their usefulness.

But they didn't count on the children being smarter than they expected. Two of their creations discovered what was to be their fate, and decided they wanted none of it. They would not allow their stories to end this way. They managed to flee the laboratory where they were created and born, along with their younger brother, and made it into the general population... and into the homes of their parents. There, they revealed their knowledge of their peers, as well as the existence of another branch in a different laboratory. And with that knowledge, of course, came the demands for the lab to stop their experiments.

And so they had no choice but to stop, and release the children to their biological parents. But...

Did they really have no choice but to stop?

There was still the branch on Utsuroshima. Called the "Nothing Branch", their existence was kept unknown to even some of the other scientists. In fact, the only ones who knew who it existed were the ones working on it. No one knew about it, and it was to be kept that way. Their experimentation on the lab-born children went on, but it was not planned to last for much longer. In just a few short months, the experiment -- and the lives of the subjects of said experiments -- were to come to an end. They would be terminated, and the scientists would be able to wash their hands of everything and walk away with the knowledge they had obtained.

Or so they thought.

A group of five children manage to escape, and make their way towards the mainland in a stolen cruise boat. Even so, it was not going to be smooth sailing; the scientists were quickly able to come up with a cover story, which they passed onto the Japanese government. The story they told? These children were not children, they were adults who had been voluntarily infected with the Black Plague in an attempt to understand the mysterious disease. The most important part of this was the clause they had supposedly agreed to; if they escaped, they were to be captured or, preferably, killed on sight. This would no doubt make their task much more difficult.

Even in a world full of magic, human nature and greed remain the same. The survival of the children is going to depend on the resourcefulness and intelligence of the children, and the strength of their will to survive. Whether they make it or not is up to you, the player.

The Location Maps