
HORNED- Dark Fantasy- Horror


Ignore the Man in the bunnySuit, He might burn you if you stare.

Umbra is a vast realm that exists in one of the dark dimensions that parallels the human world we know. Some refer to Umbra as the Spirit World for its paranormal environment. The world if filled with creatures, monsters, demons, many species, and humans whom have adapted to the world and its chaos.

How to Get into Umbra

Umbra has hidden gates that connects to other dimensions. These dimensions may sometimes have access into Umbra itself. The downside is, these concealed gates may have guardians that won't allow other beings from other worlds infiltrate into Umbra without paying some sort of high price or getting approved by the Empress or one of the 7 kings or another higher being who possesses power over the dimensional gate. Those who belong to the mortal world, do not necessarily require to go through these gates. Creatures or Humans that belong to the world of humanity, have multiple options on how to enter into Umbra.
Those ways are:
~Dokalfer gates, located in the Dokalfer mountains
~Making a pact with a demon or entity from umbra
~ Ancient objects that may connect to Umbra.
~The well of the Netherworld
~ Summerian tunnel
~ The book of secrets, which contains the magical steps on how to open a portal into Umbra

Map of Umbra
