speculocutis!'s Bulletins

7 Day MYO

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by PR1NCE

🌸 from May 29th - June 6th speculocutis is having a MYO event! 🌸

you can make a terrie for free and what’s more you get 500 free shards for doing it!! to submit your MYO comment on this post or in the discord server 🌱🌱

🌻🌻 all common traits and two uncommon traits or one rare trait 🌻🌻

Shard Shop!

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by PR1NCE

Welcome to the Shard Shop here you can purchase traits for your terries, myo-slot, and other fun things!

check your account balance: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hZqF2b8eSQx_6BvrNI_SUITv5f8obYZrzpYaPCIRyoM/edit?usp=sharing 

To purchase items from the Shard Shop either post on the journal in the DeviantArt group, post in the appropriate channel on the discord server, or message the official twitter or instagram! Mixed payments ARE allowed. (subject to change)

prices are in shards, 100 shards = $1.00 = 100 points


Basic Speculocutis Myo: 800
basic myos can have any common traits and either two uncommon traits or one rare trait.  

(you’re allowed to purchase special traits along with your myo!) 


Deviantart or other social media you’d like the masterlist to reference:
Purchasing: speculocutis vita/mortem myo

Additional traits purchasing:

Payment type: shards/points/paypal


------ TRAIT PURCHASING ------

>> traits can be added on to already existing terries, but the design must still be recognizable. 

  • honestly buying a new myo would cost less than changing your entire terrie man

>> common traits can be changed for free as long as the changes are close to the original design (except color changes or heart changes)

common trait change: 50

uncommon trait purchase: 100

rare trait purchase: 300

ultra rare trait purchase: 600


specific trait you’re purchasing:
rarity tier: 

speclocutis effected:
payment type: shards/points/paypal
new design with the traits: (can be sent later)

(mention if you’re buying for another person)