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HomeSpecies created by Saphflora and owned by Anatnem | HTML Created by Anatnem | You are not allowed to make your own without a valid MYO ticket or without permission from the current owner.
DiscordSay you had a wish…
 A wish so powerful that it came to life within the blink of your eye.
A beautiful thought that's almost incomprehensible. 

 Look no further than the heavens to grant your wish.
 Well… A part of heaven.
A part of heaven that can be heard of in whispers within the
 stars and within the darkness of the Black Forest.
A heaven where all wishes are fulfilled.
EventsSpecies Makeover MYO Event - Coming SoonMonthly Themed Event - Coming SoonWeekly Prompts - Available on Discord onlyStaffAnatnem - OwnerMati - Admin / Adopt CreatorAroomie- Admin / Weekly Prompt ManagerPerma Artist - This could be YOU!UpdatesSpecies Overhaul and Lore - PENDINGSpecies Shop Creation - PENDINGSpecies EXP System - PENDING
ga_info_by_a_nat_nem_dey2qyl-pre.png?tokFeatured CharactersMeet some of the lovely kiddos thats part of this world already. Each with their own wish, own will and unique personalities.
ForumEXP Bank(Coming Soon)For Sale CharactersAll of these kiddos below are looking for loving homes. See all for sale at the link below and make both your wishes come true:FOR SALE FOLDER
Species created by Saphflora and owned by Anatnem | HTML Created by Anatnem | You are not allowed to make your own without a valid MYO ticket or without permission from the current owner.