

While the Eucaritian government might be all-encompassing and invasive, more importantly, it keeps its denizens happy - with a plethora of socialist safety nets for its populace and a highly-positive reputation, rebellion seems out of the question for most average denizens. 


The lesser gods of Eucaritia are considered the leaders of its government, serving as the directors of the Harmonics' law. They are split into multiple factions, which lobby for different beliefs and ideals. They are not permitted to create dimensions unless explicitly allowed by Acholeplasma, and there have not been any new locations created in quite some time. Universally, lesser gods are revered, and it is seen as a great honor to work under or serve for one.

There have not been any new lesser gods born since the final creation during the Post-War Era. The oldest lesser god still alive is Pseudomonas, and the youngest is Diaphero.


The leaders are comprised of the three individuals said to be closest to the Harmonics and who carry out their bidding. They regulate the other factions and their word is final. 

Members include: Acholeplasma, Ureaplasma, Histoplasma


The Hemorrhagics are the primary opposition to the Leaders, owning vast tracts of land and keeping control of many corporations. Their leader, Ebola, is renown for his temper and brute strength.

Members include: Ebola, Marburg, Reston, Ravn, Lloviu


The Immunities serve as the primary conservationist group, lobbying for preservation of Eucaritia's last remaining resources and natural beauty. Their rivals are the Virii, and both parties are famous for their filibusters and legendary debates.

Members include: Dendrite, Macrophage, Killer T, Helper T, Memory B, Neutrophil


The Virii are the primary industrialist group, pushing to capitalize on all land and resources Eucaritia has in order to push quality of life for its citizens. Efficiencity is their key, leading to a plethora of tug-of-war with the Immunities over laws. They were originally led by Influenza, who handed over leadership to Variola later.

Members include: Variola, Entero, Parvo, Morbi, Influenza, Rhinovirus


As their name implies, the Centrist group is comprised of those who do not sway towards any other particular party, instead choosing to remain neutral or as a sway vote.

Members include: Lenti, Carolinensis, Myco, Diaphero, Cinerea, Orthomyxoviridae, Cyano, Baumannii


Lesser gods who either belong to no faction in the government, now-defunct factions, or those who oppose the primary government are sorted here.

Members include: Pseudomonas, Fluore, Ascariasis, Iodamoeba, Acineto, Plasmodium, Pons, Crypto, Hylemonella, Coxiella


Mortals have a much more minor role in government, serving as primarily advisors to the lesser gods and as bridges between what the populace desires and what the lesser gods can implement. Still, working in government is seen as a highly honorable position due to its proximity to the lesser gods, and many mortals have a positive opinion of those in politics.


Mayors are the primary elected position, serving for five years, although there are no limits on how many times they may serve. Each metropolis has a mayor, although the mayor of the capital city serves as the governor of the entire dimension. 


Diplomats are chosen directly by Acholeplasma and the Church Consecrator, and serve as ambassadors between dimensions to settle disputes. A Diplomat serves for life, and drops their surname(s) when they are chosen for the position.


Religion plays a key role in Eucaritia - not obsessively, but it does have a heavy presence. The Church (its full name lost to time) was established when Eucaritia was first born, and it has prevailed through millennia as a guiding, but not forceful hand in most people's lives. It does not exist to shame or demand people follow its laws, which are rather lax, and instead attempts to be altruistic and help others. Local churches may, for example, take in sponsees.

The prayer the Church offers is actually useless, as the lesser gods aren't keen on the idea of millions of mortals having constant access to them. However, every Church cathedral contains at least one reliquary - a sacred object once belonging to a lesser god (or once a piece of them, like hair or a feather) and imbued with their magic, which can allow for unfiltered access to them. There are laws against collecting new reliquaries, though.

Regular clergymembers drop their surname and take on the honorific Brother/Sister/Sibling. Anyone can chose to become a clergymember, as there are no requirements upfront. As they rise through the ranks, they gain special colored sashes to denote their seniority and dedication. 


Each dimension has a single Deacon, who presides over its largest cathedral (typically in the capital) and ensures all smaller cathedrals are equipped with funds, people, and resources. The position is typically inherited by seniority.  


The Consecrator is the mortal head of the Church, working closely with Acholeplasma (the Blessed, lesser god leader) to monitor cultural opinion of the Church and lobby on its behalf in politics. They are handpicked by Acholeplasma, and have been since the position's creation.

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