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KNOWN CHARACTERS OVERVIEW: Strikethrough - No longer that identity, or deceased; ??? - Unnamed Character
Arks Operatives: Connor, Connie, C-Type EX, C-Type DX, Ao, Dominique, Entomo, Haruka, Juno, LIbra, Puff, Rose, Usagi, Voir, Xuan, ???
Class Trainers: Barst, Kial, Ina, Touko, Rayla, Bob, Jacques
Casino Staff: Ace, ???

Falspawn: [Wither], [Rush], [Emperor], Profound Darkness

Arks Fleet - Oracle Space

Ship 1 - Aries
Ship 2 - Aquarius
Ship 3 - Pisces
Master Mothership - Athena

Dooma - Artificial Falspawn Planet

Falspawn Nest
Blood Waters
Distorted Pocket Dimension - Purgatorium
Ship 666 - Ophiuchus

Florinano - Natural Planet


Desperato - Barren Planet

Robot Factory
Mining Base A-1

Aquillon - Aquatic Planet

Abandoned Research Facility

Arks - A space-faring organization that researches the vast frontiers of the universe. Their objective is to explore, research, and document all worlds and eliminate the Falspawn corruption wherever they crop up.

Falspawn - A major antagonistic force that works aggressively and actively against the Arks, they seek to destroy the entire universe by using their Falspawn armies to invade and cause mass destruction to many planets. They are sometimes referred to as Darkers by the veteran Arks.

Dark Falz - The "commanders" of the Falspawn armies, they each lead a certain type of Falspawn and direct all of their movements. These dark entities are born out of the Profound Darkness, a force that can annihilate all of existence. Their main objective is to resurrect this evil to destroy the universe. They come in various types, which are as follows:

Botanic Falspawn are dark entities that resemble plants, vegetation, and foliage. They're often the masters of disguise, using their form to camouflage themselves in various surroundings. They are also adept spies for the Falspawn, gathering information from unsuspecting Arks operatives that may walk by them without noticing. They are led by Dark Falz [Wither] - The Plague.

Candy Falspawn are very similar, and may even be the equivalent of the Toy Falspawn of the prime universe. They are able to control pets that have consumed any candy recently, usually turning them into murderous beasts against their own masters. Because of the higher risk for Summoner operatives compared to others, many opt to not try Summoner at all, much to Jacques' dismay. These playful but rowdy Falspawn are under the direct control of Dark Falz [Rush] - The Spoiled.

Royal Falspawn are a rare breed of Falspawn with immense power. They are usually modeled after mythological beasts. Unlike the other Falspawn types, some of these Falspawn can be delegated to any Dark Falz who needs them for a crucial objective upon Dark Falz [Emperor] - The Conqueror's discretion.

Race - The different types of humanoids who populate the Arks fleet. They're all derived the same human template, and from there, are identified as Newmen, Casts, Deumen, or Beasts. The human race is even preceded by the Photoners, an ancient race that were the forerunners of the universe. From there, the Photoners created almost everything in the universe, seeking to gain knowledge and improve their lives. Race descriptions are as follows:

Photoners are the race that preceded all the others. It is also worth noting that this ancient race also created all the other races as well, whether it was directly or indirectly. They have an extremely high photon capacity, making them masters of using the energy source to carry out their goals. Since they have photon-based "souls", they can transfer their essence to another body, if necessary.

Humans are a well-rounded race that can adapt to many situations as needed. They show average power and defenses, which makes them an invaluable member of Arks.

Newmen are a race characterized by their pointy ears, whose sizes may range from short to long. While they are frail by nature, their ability to harness photon energy is unparalleled, making them ideal technique users.

Casts are a robotic race that can come in many shapes and sizes. They're known for being the most sturdy of the races, being able to take hits that other races would crumble to.

Deumen are humans who have been corrupted by a Falspawn, usually through means of genetic manipulation or F-Factor induced wounds. They are characterized by their aggressive nature, along with heterochromia in most cases and horns on the forehead; females have two, males have one.

Beasts are a strong and durable race, mostly seen doing physical work and labor. They're recognized by their iconic animal ears first and foremost, along with a slightly bestial face. Some of them, if they're adept with photon potential, have the potential to become Arks, but it is possible for a Beast to become an Arks Operative by sheer strength alone.

Class - The different classes available for Arks operatives to utilize. Their class determines their fighting style, and is usually selected based on preference of the operative. There are also trainers for each class, who invent new and better ways for Arks to combat any threats. All classes can use the gunblade weapon, though some more effectively than others. Classes include:

Hunter - A melee-based class focused on dishing damage out to foes, while maintaining themselves in combat so they're always in top shape. They're a well-known class that is liked by many beginners, and utilize the sword, wired lance, and partisan. The stern Barst trains recruits in this class.

Ranger - A gun-oriented class that supports their fellow ops from afar. They utilize assault rifles and launchers to get their job done. The trigger-happy Kial is the trainer of this class.

Force - A technique-oriented class that channels their photon ability to attack enemies with elemental power. They use rods and talises to deal damage from afar. The soft-spoken Ina is the elemental master and trainer of this class.

Fighter - A melee-damage class that focuses on damage output rather than worrying about themselves. It is a very powerful class, which attracts many daredevils, who all use the double saber, knuckles, and twin daggers. Barst is also a trainer of this class.

Gunner - A close-quarters variant of the gun-based class, they utilize chains and acrobatic movements to outsmart the enemy. They use Twin Machineguns (often shortened to TMGs) the most, with additional support for the assault rifle. Kial is also a trainer of this class.

Techer - Rather than using their extensive photon capabilities for offense, they go defensive, supporting their fellow ops with buffs and heals. They channel their photons through wands and talises to support their fellow peers. Ina is also a trainer of this class.

Braver - A class mixing the qualities of ranged and melee-based attack, providing power in any situation through traditional Japanese-style weaponry enhanced with photon power. They utilize katanas and bullet bows. The aptly brave Touko trains new recruits in this class.

Bouncer - A class that infuses melee strikes with techniques to amplify their strength. They use dual blades, claws, jet boots. The chatty and obnoxious Rayla trains operatives interested in using this power.

Protector - A rather interesting class that specializes in long-distance combat with only guns and techniques while using their defensive capabilities to defend themselves from any attack.  They utilize shotguns and arm shields, and can channel their photon capabilities effectively by utilizing special elemental bullets. Bob trains people who are adept with their precision in this class.

Summoner - A crafty class which utilizes various photon-based pets to do their bidding. They command these pets with use of a takt. Jacques advises newbies to this class and how to use it effectively.

Master - The all-mighty class that is revered as the most powerful class of all. Only the most worthy are chosen to wield its absolute power. They can utilize all weapon types effectively, and even have their own signature slicer weapon as a last-resort. There is no trainer for this particular class, due to its complex and profound nature. It is known that some leading and legendary figures in Arks' history have used this class, however.

Elements - These are basic types a weapon or technique are associated with. The elements are as follows, along with the impairments they can inflict:

Fire - Burn
Ice - Freeze
Electric - Paralysis
Wind - Mirage
Earth - Stun
Dark - Poison
Light - Confusion

More terminology to come later...