with Misty Hollow, in theory, anyone can visit!
because its a land that travels itself- you can easily wonder into its haunting grounds by just taking your daily walk in the fog, the night, the woods, or simply a ghost street
its not so easy to escape, however
the further and deeper you go in its woods, you simply seem to start doing circles, regardless of your tactics- a compass wont change its direction, and you might even simply wander straight back into town soon enough
its like an endless loop
but when its lost interest in keeping you trapped, it will easily put you back right where you came from before, in subtle ways you wouldnt have even noticed right away
just like how you wondered in

whether you excuse it as a daydream, a hallucination, or a drug trip, it wont change the fact it will be a memory not easily forgotten
it is connected to the subconscious, and surfaces at its own will, and its haunting qualities will linger long after youve left
aka a great tourist site!! 10/10 would recommend!

okay in seriousness now

Misty Hollow is a horror-mystery game where you have to discover the secrets to the strange things happening within this place
residents here suffer from insomnia, and have to follow a very strict cerfew to avoid The Nightmares
The Nightmares are living creatures of shadow and horror, that murder and consume every living thing they can see, and are a hivemind
most of the people that are considered "residents" of this place, visit when they sleep in their real world/aka the place they're actually from
or, theyve died in their real world

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