Welcome to the world of Four Seasons✦

The world is divided into four large regions and are called "seasons" according to the seasons. This is because each region has different climatic conditions for the same season and each season is different from the other. Each season has its own culture, and each season has different and special cities, towns, and villages. Each season has a ruler and all four rulers are brothers / sisters.
There are about four seasons.
Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter.


Inlearn Magic-Magic that you can learn. (Humans and regular Kemonomimis)
Inborn Magic-Magic that you are born with. (specific magical species have this kind of magic).


The Autumn season is full of tall, slender trees, broad forests and red and orange leaves. The symbol of the Autumn season is the red maple leaf. The weather in the season is cool, it rains frequently, the leaves always fall off and float around (and the trees of course grow them straight back in the same reddish hue in which they fell).
The Autumn season is the smallest season compared to the other seasons, but even though it is small  the Autumn season have a large part in the culture of magic and inlearn magic. This is because the magic of the Inlearn was declared legal when the new Autumn ruler came to power, who is still in office to this day. Since that announcement, a lot more has been done by the autumnal government to encourage inlearn magic. Among them were special laws called "Scarlett Laws" designed to protect Inlearn users and their rights, and a new role in the rule of "Main Witch" was announced to give Inlearn users a representative to work for them in power. In the autumn season there are a variety of educational and educational institutions, which is a very large part of the autumnal culture. When you walk around in the fall season, seeing witches flying in the sky in this season is a very common thing, and seeing magic and potion shops is a normal thing. autumnal culture is based on European culture. Starting from the houses to the roads of the season  to the autumnal fashion that is also based on European culture. Lots of  the autumn season's residents enjoy a leisurely ride on their bikes and brooms around town, sitting in the parks together, relaxing and drinking tea. The atmosphere in the autumn season is very relaxed. It’s no secret that autumnal culture has slightly scary sides. As the season draws to a close in promoting Inlearn magic, the Autumn Season's residents celebrate Halloween every year to celebrate and remember Inlearn users who preceded the current generation, and to celebrate the connection of the autumn people to the magic learned. And in addition to Halloween, the autumn season is full of tangled and mysterious forests, giving it more mysterious and scary sides. In the fall season you will hear a lot about ghost stories and scary creatures.



The spring season is in full bloom, a variety of shades of flowers and plants, petals flying in the air like the leaves in the autumn season. The symbol of the spring season is the sakura flower. The weather in the spring season is particularly pleasant, neither hot nor cold. There is rarely light rain, and the sun always makes every day sunny and pleasant.
The spring season is still adjusting to the changes that took place when the current Autumn  ruler declared Inlearn magic legal. The spring season is the last season that has received these changes and started working for Inlearn users about six months after the announcement of the Autumn season ruler. Once the Inlearn magic was declared legal, it took time for the ruler of the spring season to adjust to the great enthusiasm of the residents about magic, but today the spring season is full of many Inlearn users, and their rights and laws are the same as the Inlearn users in the fall. Spring culture is based on Asian culture, from the buildings with beautiful roofs to the many foods and cultural dishes. The spring season is known for the many dishes and dishes it has, from desserts with flowers to sweet meats. The spring season plays a very big part in the fashion trends it presents for the rest of the seasons, as in many cities fashionable events like annual fashion shows take place. Currently, the spring season is the most populous season of all seasons.


The summer season is the season with the most islands under its rule, and many large and beautiful beaches. The symbol of the summer season is the sun. The weather is particularly hot and there is a lot of humidity in the air. The smell of the sea will be present in most places in the summer season, the waves are perfect for water sports and a pleasant summer breeze passes from time to time.
The summer season was the first season to receive the legality of Magic Inlearn after the Autumn season's ruler announced it. In the summer season there is a wide range of Inlearn users and magical creativity. The summer season has many and varied cultures because it is a very big season. Cultures that are inspired by Mediterranean cultures, Greek culture, cultures of many islands around the world like Hawaii, and many other cultures. The summer season is the season with the highest percentage of tourism and millions of people come to it every year to escape the weather in their season and relax a bit from the daily life that awaits them at home. In summer society and summer culture, positivity is a very important thing for people. You see it going in the season and you see the colorful graffiti that can be seen on walls and sidewalks around the main summer cities, which are usually visited by tourists from the other seasons. Another important thing in summer culture and society is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and engage in sports, so seeing people doing sports is a very common thing to see when walking on a summer street. The summer season is the season that works best for combining marine varieties with terrestrial varieties. Lots of summer transport routes are accessible to both marine and land varieties. For example, in main streets there will be large artificial rivers in which both marine and terrestrial species can move. Terrestrial strains will usually move in ships on these rivers while marine strains will swim beneath them.


The winter season is full of snow and cold. Very cold, snow and ice are everywhere, frequent snowstorms, frozen and tangled forests and frozen water sources. The symbol of the winter season is a snowflake.

Of all four, the winter season is considered the most dangerous season. Currently, the winter season is closed and locked behind a magical border that allows neither entry nor exit, so the residents of the winter season are completely cut off from the rest of the world. The winter season has been cut off for more than 40 years from the rest of the world, so the technology in it is relatively old compared to the technology of the rest of the seasons. No one outside of winter has any idea what's going on inside.
The situation within the winter season is a civil war between two populations. A population of animal people (one set of ears and one tail) who do not use magic at all who fight against the other population of magic Inlearn users
, humans who have been nicknamed "frost witches". The reason for this war is that the frost witches are kidnapping the animal population in order to use their organs and hair for an unknown purpose, so the animal people formed the "Winter Army", headed by the new ruler.
Most of the winter season territory is under the control of the frost witches
, but the area controlled and protected by the winter army is an area with a small rural atmosphere. The winter army stands in the minority against the frost witches, but the army manages to survive from the direction of the places where it chooses to stay. Most often it will be in abandoned villages that have already been destroyed by frost witches, in particularly mountainous villages and near frozen and tangled forests in order to escape the eye of the frost witches. In these areas it will be very common to see soldiers and army workers function and go on patrols to protect the winter population. Most of the professions on this side of the war are military professions designed to help the military in its goal: to take back the season and bring the winter ruler to its rightful place. The frost witches live in ice structures, and in the destroyed structures they destroyed but repaired with ice. For the winter season many cultures range from cultures based on Nordic cultures and snowy cultures such as the Inuit culture.
Lots of people around the world think that the winter season is only full of bad people, and that they are a season that should be avoided at all costs. Rumors are circulating in the world that the ruler of the winter season is a dictator with a heart of ice.

there is more to this world more then just it's seasons, but in the meantime, 

what is the season you see yourself living your fantasy dream in?