I have yet to find a cool name so they're Stella for now.


Stars aren’t born, rather, they are created by Atem. Atem takes advantage of the surrounding gasses in nebulas, or “nurseries”, to create new cores which will incubate before hydrogen fusion is possible, before taking form as a stella. A core is what makes a stella come into existence, it harbors their personality, their psyche and also dictates what kind of star they will become. All stella are unique in appearance and height, but they follow a certain sequence which dictates their size and luminosity. Since there are a finite amount of materials in space, Atem will make a few cores which will harbor stella that are larger and more powerful than typical. These stars will produce a supernova at the end of their life to create neutron stars which will then nurture the next generation. The matter that gets sent out from the explosion becomes a brand new nebula. All neutron stars protect developing cores in their respective nebulae, and will get aggressive if any danger is exposed to them. The only risk is that these stella need to be restricted from adversity and monitored closely to prevent them from turning into a black hole.

  • Stella follow in 3-4 main size groups: main sequence, giant/supergiant, hypergiant, and white dwarves
  • Brown dwarves are not large enough to sustain the life of a stella- so they are used as gateways to their domain.
  • The species reside within the fourth dimension most of the time.
  • More to be added...


The Stella peoples do not contain any gender-based roles in their society, and they do not have hearts like humankind. As earlier explained, they have a “core” or an orb-like object that serves as their soul or existence. In a sense, their physical forms only serve as husks for the core to manifest their emotions and actions. If this orb were to be removed from their body or destroyed, that current physical manifestation of the star would cease to exist. In this case, they will be reborn in the garden, but their past self will be completely erased and the star will gain an entirely different body/personality. Stella by nature are asexual, as there is no need to reproduce, although they can love and harbor strong affection and romantic feelings towards fellow stella or other beings.

With size comes arrogance, the Stella are proud of their existence and tend to underestimate other lifeforms since they do not need to eat, sleep, or drink anything. Though, as an ancient species, they lust over unknown knowledge and will often throw away prejudice to learn more about new species they discover and will spend anywhere from a handful of years to a couple of centuries learning about their habits and biological functions. Though, once they are satisfied and no longer need them, they will often cease contact other than for mere entertainment or continued assistance. There are exceptions to this mindset, however; Stella who have nurtured planets of their own will be far more fond and affectionate towards the potential civilizations they may harbor. In addition, because of the fact that Stella are considered deities of their own, they will adjust their appearance to make them more comprehensible to the respective species. So a human may see a stella as a humanoid with off-putting traits.


These traits are forever wip but theres some basic characteristics rather than traits themselves. They're basically deities, and literal stars.

  • Illuminescence: could be limbs, or patterns on the skin like vitiligo. Could also be akin to tattoos although they should be large enough to show a starry shimmer.
  • High Body temperature / plasma blood: Their bodies are made of super-heated and condensed energy. Therefore they are very heavy and cutting them could do you more harm than good. Plasma blood can vary between being white and/or blue.
  • A star mark indicative of core location: Core as of right now can be in the head or torso. It will glow accordingly to the color of the star (red, orange, yellow, white, and blue)


They're mostly humanoid? But will have some sort of uncanny appearance to them like they may have more than one eye, wings as ears, abnormally long limbs, etc. Their true forms are a pure acid trip, still trying to figure that out while trying my best not to make this a kemonomimi species. If you want the closest resemblence it's super esque to Eldritch horror :)