Redesign Center


 Redesign Center!

This is where you can redesign your Xynthii!! 

Changes to existing xynthii are limited within reason, and some design changes can't be made.

Here you can find information on exactly what is and isnt allowed,

and a step by step guide to help you through the process of redesigning your xynthii.




Firstly, you must ask yourself what you are changing about the design of the xynthii - colors, or slight edits, or if you want a full redesign. 
Currently full redesigns (Any drastic changes that makes the OC look like an entirely different OC) is not allowed. 

Or if you intend to add traits that your xynthii doesnt already have.

If you want to add traits, plan it out, and check to see how much money it will cost to purchase the traits you want.
Trait add on prices are as follows-

$3 or 300 points per Uncommon trait
$4 or 400 points per Rare trait
$5 or 500 points per Very Rare trait
$6 or 600 points per Legendary trait
Admin only traits cannot be added *

The next step is to make a full body ref. Full body refs should be colored, have handmouths either on the art or on a side ref, and ear type should be either visible on the ref or again as a side ref. Once you are ready with your redesign, you send it in for approval! Any trait add on you made/need to purchase should be mentioned at that time and it will be handled during the approval process.

* If you want to add an admin only trait, you must ask an admin if they are open for custom redesigns.
If they are, you can pay them an additional charge to redesign the xynthii for you and include these traits.

 HOW TO File your redesign!

If  you have questions regarding a trait change, please ask [here]!
 All trait add ons will be handled at the same time as the  redesign.

To submit your form, please do so 
[here] and ObsceneBarbie will get to you as soon as she can! 
Please do not privately note the admins or submit unapproved MYOs/Redesigns publicly without approval.

Redesign Form:

Original Design:
What was changed:

What trait(s) was(were) added on:

You can put "none" if you didn't add on a trait!
If the only thing that was changed is a trait add on, you can just put "Trait add on" !

You can of course add or take away as many bullet points as you need, this is just a starting guide!
Changes to this redesign form can be made if seen fit to do so!

 Now that you have a plan in order it's time to start redesigning!

Please keep in mind these are still Case by Case. Some can still be denied.

    Remember, you must provide a brand new reference; 
you cannot edit the original adopt artwork, however you are welcome to use a base.          
    Commissioning someone else to draw the redesign for you is also okay.
          When your redesign has been drawn, and your form is filled out          

Place a comment on [this thread] with a link to both. 

Then you are all done! Sit back and relax and wait for your form to be checked and approved!

If you are purchasing additional traits, you will be instructed to send payment.

Once you receive approval your redesigned xynthii is free to be uploaded to da or toyhouse and can start being used~!