
The World of Vinitens, the realm that mirrors Earth; Formed as a punishment for the now Arch Demon, Inmiac. The world since has grown into its own realm, the once humanless world now filled with life more than just the Nature demons. The Nature Demons are most notably known for their animistic traits, animal like behavior such as "floofing" up their hair with various emotions, and their effect on and use of the natural based environment as where they live and roam tend to develop glowing particles or enlarged animals, plants, etc.

| WARNING! | This species does contain mature themes!

Please note that there are aspects that may contain some sensitive topics, mature themes/NSFW, Gore and other similar lore that might be inappropriate for some. While they are appropriately Labeled by the adults, please keep this in mind.


07/08/21 Vixens have been added! Awaiting a MYO event.

12/30/20 Lenux Brane have been added! .

12/28/20 MYO is OPEN until the 5th of Jan.

6/15/20 ToyHouse World for The Demon's Den finally open!

Ways to get your own Nature demons

23547895_IzQZwdBvvVNwEzV.pngTo Gain a Nature Demons, Bastard Angels, Lenux Brane or Vixens. You can either gain a slot in free MYO events, or by buying an Adopt from The owner, Admins or from approved artists! Join our Discord or watch the group here or on Deviantart to get notified of when these take place! 

Notice!: At the current moment we are working a new system for buying a MYO slot for when events aren't being held.

"Hello and goodbye MORTAL"


The Arch Demons of Vinitens


  1. This World is for Nature Demons, Bastard Angels, Lenux Brane Vixens and affiliated. Do not submit anything unrelated to the Demon's Den world.
  2. Keep the World drama free.
  3. Don't go and make a Nature demon, Nature angel, Lenux Brane or a vixen without Mama-Devil's permission.
  4. Always, Always pat a Floof's (Nature Demon) Tail. It is law >:3.
  5. Make sure to read the Tos and Species Rules.
  6. Have Fun!



Mama Devil
Leash Holder(owner)


Fairu (admin)


King of the Moths
Treasure Hunter