The Planet and Its People

The planets name is Gaia and contains 2 large continents; Elioris and Lagueen. Elioris is broken down into 3 countries, while Lagueen has 5 but is also partially unexplored because of its dangerous weather, flora and fauna.   ==================

Continient: Elioris

Countries: Drios, Wristria, and Cetrax  

Continient: Lagueen

Countries: Votha, Skana, Esnia, Trior, Acrea and the Forbidden Lands


The People The average lifespan of the people are 500yrs. All of the people are anthropromorphic animals.  More fantasy animals like Kirins, Dragons, unicorns ect. are fairly uncommon and are usually of royal blood or an aristocrat family, mostly working as a political party. The more fantasy races live longer for almost 700-1000yrs.