Universe One Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla blandit ut quam non facilisis. Suspendisse vestibulum, ligula id accumsan condimentum, elit dolor facilisis nunc, ut congue mi turpis nec augue. Morbi maximus dui nec libero tristique, sed lobortis elit consectetur. Suspendisse velit tellus, eleifend et varius sed, tincidunt sed nulla. Nam ex nisi, dapibus sed est eget, elementum lacinia odio. Duis luctus elementum lacus, ut ultrices elit malesuada eget. Phasellus tincidunt tellus turpis, interdum commodo libero posuere eget.


Megan Marie Warren

21 . female . ♌︎

A short, no-nonsense, punchy lemon beagle with mismatched eyes, Meg is a business major with a french minor and a part-time internship at a fast fashion company. She's recently lost her connections with her family and is swimming in uncertainty.

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22 . male . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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Lou Anne Adley

21 . female . adjective

A springer spaniel living in a studio apartment and working at a nature center. She raises butterflies and goes to college part time in attempts to get a biology degree. She is extremely nervous about the integrated classes.

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age . female . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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Felicity Camille Wattana

22 . female . ♏︎

After running away from her rich family, Felicity has only just managed to get her life back together. She works as a bar tender and is going to school for a business degree. She is doing her best to avoid Wolfgang, having been betrothed to him by her parents, yet he seems to find her wherever she goes.

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Wolfgang Sebastian Malkin

22 . male . ♒︎

A big-talking Siamese with narrowed blue eyes and the mind of a business shark, Wolfgang doesn't hesitate to go after what he needs and, more importantly, what he wants. And, right now, what this trust fund baby wants is Felicity.

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Matthew Leonard Popovski

24 . male . ♌︎

Matt hails from a country mainly of predators and struggles to adjust to the business of such a diverse urban area. He is trying to cling to what little stability he has, but it all seems to be trying so desperately to leave him. At least he's got style.

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Roscoe Lyric Elbourne

23 . non-binary(?) . ♍︎

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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age . male . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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John Doe

26 . male . ♊︎

Terrible with money and insufferable to everyone around him, John has been clinging to his twin, Jane, since they came out of the womb. Spending his time carrying out her plans and running a Psychic business, he wonders if he's on the verge of being discarded.

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Jane Doe

26 . female . ♊︎

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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