
❋ Personal Universe ❋


Questioning RP

Only Me :[

About This World

I have been working on this personal universe for a long time, the earliest known form of it showed up in 2018. I have a pride in making things work logically and cohesively, so the world still has a set of rules, just like our universe. There has been times in which I make up a new mechanic just to make a character work properly, such as Nanorganics or even Solace.

Each character here has a purpose, though many have not "discovered" their purpose yet as I have not thought up one for them. The majority of them do not have proper profile code or aren't fully elaborated, those will come with time. With so many to work with it's a huge tangle of timelines and relations to one another. I hope to have a complex but well thought out network on who knows who and when.

I set this world in a future version of our Earth, everything we have now at this exact moment of reading, it's in Vemotika's past. Having it be Earth in the future helps eliminate the location blindness for the planet, though doing so still has its pros and cons, such as knowing where specific locations are, like Yixuegaku or Tajramak. Those will also come with time.

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The Notables

Lantrix Vianor

Pisces INTP Intelligent Stubborn

Lanjing Matrix, better known as Lantrix, is the last Perinaut in her lineage made by Yixuegaku. Aside from being dedicated to dimension travel, her passions also lie in artwork, learning, and scientific endeavors. When not exploring other dimensions, she can be found in Yixuegaku's Perinaut division, trading data.

Jacquerie Pines

libra introvert logical secretive

Jacquerie Pines, in his transformation from a human to an Anthronimal, is a living anomaly of time and space. His accident with Aslo turned him into an entity with a form from the not-so-distant future. Although, he didn't know this. He currently hops dimensions by himself (With Aslo).

Kinzoku Tokage

aries seclusive intelligent loyal

Colin, better known as Kinzoku, is the earliest sucessful nanorganic in the Nanorganic Program. His transferral from organic into robot helped pave the way for new technologies developed by Yixuegaku's Anthronimal team. Although, this came with mental consequences.

ψ Xzento Psiritu

libra INTP bright stubborn

Xzento, better known as White Frost, made another large step for Yixuegaku as the earliest sucessful Nanoduorganic in the Trofinite Project. She's pushed by her father to pursue greater things, given her background, but she just wants to live her life without being bugged all the time.

The Setting

Earth (2200 onward)

This universe's main plot takes place on a future version of Earth where Human beings have been wiped out and replaced by an anthro animal replacement, Anthronimals. It has elements of Tech and Magic everywhere. It also seems to be a launchpad and reciever for multidimensional events.

Yixuegaku Industries

A super important complex, the company was founded by Humans, maintained by robots during their demise, and reclaimed by Anthronimals after they evolved to sentience. The complex is known for its works in cryogenic preservation, autonomous robots, and even attempts in dimensional travel. Although the latter point mostly came after Anthronimals took over, the Perinauts.


Located somewhere in the Middle East, Tajramak is the place closest to the pod of Trofinium that struck Earth in this timeline. Its inhabitants were the quickest to be affected in all cases. Many Anthronimals had faster spurts there and now reside in the magic filled location. Most if not all have some connection with the Trofi and will seek to guard it.

The Story

It starts with Trofi. Then death and carnage everywhere as humans fall victim to their anatomical inability to adapt to the new substance. Many died, a fraction made it into space, but the most sucessful of the bunch made it into cryogenic robots to survive for the next unforseeable amount of time.

Animals start to evolve, first the fish. Then the birds. Then the amphibians. Then lizards. Then finally the mammals. They adjusted from wild instincts to a more... civilized stature. They learned from the robots still around, they taught the new spawn the culture from humans. They transitioned from barks and meows to Hello and Goodbye in the gaining of english. They take on a new classification for their entire race. Anthronimals.

The Anthronimals move into where humans left their gaps. Inventing, thinking, making a society. They adapt to the tech and material infrastructure, and start to make their own. Robots of their own, various vehicles, other devices. The Anthronimals develop something the humans couldn't do reliably. Dimensional travel.

In a different part of the world, Anthronimals adapted to magic instead, absorbing higher concentrations of Trofi than the tech based society. They prided themselves on their abilities from the Trofi, calling it magic.

There are clashes when the Tech Anthronimals and the Trofi Anthronimals meet, differing ideals and modes of life being the most prevalent. Sometimes they fight, but it's not as rare as humans did with eachother.

(More will come later as I figure it out!)


The Magistrophe occurs due to what is assumed to be an aggravated bio-attack. Humans cannot handle The Magistrophe and they all die off, save for a few in cryostasis and space.



[2200-2250] A phenomena known as The Great Hush comes into play. Sentience in all organic forms are wiped out, only robotic entities retain the level of sentience humans used to have. Anthronimals rise during this time, evolving quickly.
Exploration increases in frequency, to find out the cause of The Magistrophe. Eventually it would be found, but not immediately. The Magistrophe is reponsible for the Anthronimals's evolution.



[22xx] A La Lorem:tm: (AKA TBA!)

Content Warnings

Contains death in visual and written depictions, sparsely used on characters. Said deaths may not be gorey, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

I am unsure if my world contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence will not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Does NOT contain Semi-explicit sexuality in any visual or written depictions. Depictions are nonexistent, if you are sensitive to these subjects you'll be fine.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Contains blood & gore in visual depictions on only one or two characters. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Meta Guide

This is a personal world that I've been working on for a long time! This means that if anyone is here that they likely have a major part in my world. That being said, you may look around at what I have done so far! Feel free to ask questions about anyone, I'll try my best to answer. Only the ones listed as "UFT" are UFT!


  • ❋ Questions and Feedback are appreciated!
  • ❋ Just because someone has a blank bio doesn't mean I don't think about them! I just don't have ideas yet.
  • ❋ I am very location blind so Vemotika's locations may take longer to develop than my characters by themselves. Please be aware! I also take suggestions on that front!
  • ❋ I get spurts of wanting to work on one character or two at a time, it's all a group effort.

Some of my characters here may be used in RP. That being Discord with Tupperbox, or me having made them in Ponytown to use them there. Please be warned that any of their details may be subject to change and rework if I need to alter their base lore!

The Crew


20 She/Her INTP Active Dev

Xenryft { Xenryft } owns most to all of the characters in this World. Xenryft is not open to spontaneous RP and is the admin for the World. If you are looking to connect with her as an RP partner, it is reccomended to be on friend terms first.

StanfordKinnie [Alt]

20 She/Her INTP Alt Acc

StanfordKinnie { StanfordKinnie } serves as an alt account to Xen. This account holds characters not on Xen's account and is also a moderator for the World. Please do not send DMs!