The Administration


48a576476fe8989887291e46c449de4f.pngThe Administration Members are individuals that works for the Prodigal in a very public manner. They are on the same level as the Specialists, importance-wise. The Administration Members are more public figures that pose for the Prodigal... without letting people know that the Prodigal exist. They're skilled in public affairs by running high-end businesses or simply making allies with a variety of people throughout their journey. More importantly they focus on playing the Grand Game; a completely complicated system mixed of interests, seduction, ambition, scandals and power. The Members are masters of this Game, covering themselves with a public mask and excelling in debate, speech, proper social conducts and superior mannerisms to charm everyone.

  • Social skills
  • Charm and Persuasion
  • Dual Lifestyles


The most important role to an Administration member is connections. Considering how the Overseer can have access to almost anything and everyone, is it through the help of the Administration. They are set to provide as many (useful) contacts on any kind of subject manner through a series of favors or even blackmail. For example, if the Overseer wishes to grant an audience with a well secretive CEO of an obscure company, then the members of the Administration are tasked to find said CEO or even their family/close friends to pave their way into getting their attention and adhere to them and the Overseer's request.
Compared to Specialist Agents, the Administration Members have dual identities: They keep their original identity that's purposely used for the public affairs. Their second alias belongs to the Prodigal, under a completely different name.

They may or may not be physically capable like the Specialist Agents, but their greatest weapon is being able to play the Grand Game.

  • The Grand Game is a term set to understand the greatest of social protocols among high class and upstanding, first-class citizens. At this point the importance of the Grand Game is no longer a game, it is a battle between one's exchange of words, presentation, title and most especially sly, quick-witted actions. It is considered social infighting, but any physical combat is almost always prohibited in social events and always looked down upon by noble figures. Everyone who is playing the Grand Game is toxic and gossip is everywhere. Everyone has eyes on each other, thus quick to judge, yet easy please.

    > Most first-class citizens are likely to know the Grand Game and they use it to climb higher in regards to social status.

    > Administration Members only use the Grand Game in order to achieve their target. It's not necessary for them to climb the ranks unless they have a higher desire.

    > Some players of the Grand Game resort to murder (without being caught) in order to maintain their upstanding figure. Most Administration Members, alongside the Commandant Forces typically end up trying to prevent such lengths to prevent these kinds of cases ad it may affect the Prodigal.

  • Administration Members join the organization differently than the Specialists Agents. Instead of going through a series of tests, they are individually picked by the Headmasters and taken in as a protégé.
    > Admin members start off particularly young in order to learn and test themselves and understand the Grand Game. Nonetheless, they are still considered full-fledged members of the Prodigal - Protégé or not.
    > In the start of the Prodigal, in its early development years, Headmasters were strictly the ones choosing who their proteges are. However, the large increase of numbers made it harder to pick away the candidates. Therefore successful and experienced Admin members become mentors to train potential, future members.
  • Presentation and confidence is always key.
    > Most Administration Members care more about their appearance. Hence the suits, dresses, and cosmetics are important to them.
    > Doing whatever they can to charm their way to success. They can be talented singers, dancers, artists and other performers to please their audiences and maintain good figures.
  • The Administration Member isn't separated by a type compared to the Specialist Agent. They are all one team. However, they work under one of the Headmasters (exception for the Commandant and the Arbiter) and they often switch between the three. Every Headmaster is given different tasks.
    > Administration Members that work for the Dean is more likely that the most experienced ones would be working for the Dean because they spend the time looking for a protégé to mentor. They're tasked for teaching them for a couple of years until they're at its fullest potential.
    > Administration Members that work for the Justicar typically are the ones who play the Grand Game the most. Politics is one of the biggest factors in the Game and they must master it enough to be able to tip the scale (or at least stabilize it) in the political world to the Prodigal's advantage.
    > Administration Members that work for the President are likely the easiest to deal with, but still challenging for newer Admin Members, because money is on the line. Businessman are much more sparing than politicians but they cannot be taken lightly regardless. As long as money is involved, most businessman are willing to look the other way...
    > There are no members that work for the Arbiter for a long period of time because of their direct relation to the Overseer. They go great lengths to prevent anyone, except for a miniscule number of agents, to know anything about the Overseer's identity.
Member Relationships

The Overseer

 The Grandfather
Not a single Administration Members knows who the Overseer is, but they are well aware that they existMost of the tasks given to an Admin member are typically at the request of the Overseer - knowing that the Grandmaster's goals cannot be reached without the help of the Administration. It's up to them to get who the Overseer wants... that the Specialist Agents cannot do without going through physically threatening actions.



 The Fathers
The Headmasters are the ones that they listen to, aside of the Overseer of course. They are the Superiors that they take orders from. The Headmasters are typically the ones who decides their capabilities and their potential and often hands these new recruits to these Admin Members. Some members may have been personally taught by one of these Headmasters. (Listed in the Trivia) The Administration work for one of the three Headmasters, depending on their experience and how well they perform.


Specialist Agents

 Partners in "Crime" | The Brothers.
Specialist Agents often work together and they are most likely there for the same goal. Specialist Agents are often requested if a member of the Administration feels like they're threatened or they're prone to getting hurt - somewhat like bodyguard. Or the other way around, where Admin Members are there to distract anyone in order for Agents to get to the designated area.

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