The Players

Heishan - Agents of Balance and Prosperity

[Creatures that lack in divine status but have the means to challenge their abilities. They reflect the guild of immortals and are granted powers to ensure the balance in all things. When the Grand Calamity began to grow in greed and conquest the Heishan were naturally granted a power and mission to rival theirs. Because they are agents of balance, they lack the means to overwhelm or destroy, only challenge.]
[The Heishan are enormous spirits that swim through the aether. Common similar shapes include: eels, whales, dragons, lizards, snakes, fish, frogs. They can be viewed by those who enter the Aegis field or those with high spiritual potential.]

Avatars - Mascots.

[Heishan are unable to inhabit the material world in conventional ways. They can create a physical form that carries their consciousness and use it to interact with the inhabitants of the material world.]

Emissaries - Magical transforming girls and boys.

[Heishan avatars will drop down to material worlds and choose an individual that encompasses traits they deem worthy. The chosen one will be granted the powers of an emissary, abilities shared by the Heishan to use to combat the Grand Calamity and their army.]
[Some Heishan will choose emissaries that are more effective with their physicalities while others are more concernd with the potential and values.