The Ven Directory

Welcome Traveler!

Welcome, welcome, to the directory! Here Raptor Inc. we provide a place to access all of the most useful parts of our pocket dimensions. Please direct any questions the mod team.

So your looking to purchase a racer raptor to add to the cs hoard, or maybe your a first time owner? Either way this is the right place!

The Nursery

 A seemingly endless street lined with cosy brick buildings. They all seem to be selling various items. Some seem to be selling snacks, others small creatures. The strange thing is, it seems to change the shops you see depending on the person you are.     Visit the Shop

Lore Keepers Tower is a massive stone tower with a record of everything known to racer raptor kind. A very select few get to work in the lore keepers tower, but if you need some knowledge, the keepers are always happy to help.Visit the Tower


Just a place to make some some friends, and talk with other racer raptor owners, silly or serious!

Visit the Board

Pretty obvious, but the masterlist.

Master List Here

 A Giant floating wooden announcement board that you can always see out of the corner of your eye. It has art prompts and events.

Look at the Event Board

Staff and  NPC meet a greets! Feel free to ask in character questions to the NPC's, or out of character questions to the staff, or Racer Inc.

The Meet and Greet Page   

Here  you can submit art to gain Trophy Coins. Trophy coins can be used to purchase mutations, pets, and other things from the various shops.

Full Profile