
Stars of the Fallen Sky

1. Be respectful and to all users. Bullying will not be tolerated.

2. The staff's word is law.

  • If you feel as though a staff member is abusing their power, please DM one of the @ Foggy Founders.
3. Per Discord's ToS, you must be at least 13 to join this server. You can substitute your age with minor or adult on your intro if you like, but you must DM a staff member your real age.

4. NSFW and slurs are forbidden.
  • This includes urban dictionary terms, jokes, and references.
  • Gore is allowed to an extent, though please spoiler it.
5. Do not advertise in member DMs.

6. Keep spam and swearing to a minimum.
  • While we allow cussing, please try and not use it in every single sentence, and it isn't allowed in roleplay! Please avoid cussing in calls, as people's parents may hear. A slip-up won't be punished, though.
7. Keep posts in the right channels. Don’t post OOC in roleplay channels. Any misplaced comments will be deleted.

8. Do not excessively tag people for roleplay or rush any artists, staff, roleplayers, or members

9. Politics are strictly prohibited.

10. LGBTQIA+ members are allowed and welcome here. If you don't like that, you are not.


11. The amount of active cats you may have is 15 standard cats and 5 adopted cats.

  • You may receive a maximum of 5 character tickets to raise your standard cat amount to 20.
  • All dead cats are considered inactive, but you are still allowed to play them. With limited exceptions, cats cannot be put directly into Starclan/Dark Forest and must die/be killed in RP.
12. If your queen has a litter, the kits should be put into #🌊→adoptables for others to adopt and roleplay.
  • If you're posting a queen's kits, the limit is 5 kits unless discussed with a mod beforehand
9. There will be 3 forbidden romances for every 10 members, but a member can only be involved in one at a time.
  • The current forbidden romance limit is 3.
13. When making a character PLEASE be considerate of their appearance/personality vs. their clan!
  • You are allowed 4 characters that aren't quite like their clan in pelt type, physique, temperament, etc.(can be more than one in the same cat) out of your 15.
  • Cats that join the clans as loners or kittypets or switch clans do not count towards this number (but this number should be kept low).
14. Keep cat coats at least semi-realistic, no rainbow/neon colors, etc.

15. No god-modding, over-powered, immortal, or invinsible characters.
  • No mary-sues or one-note characters and try to avoid characters that all have the same personality.
16. Please put any changes you wish to make to your characters in #🐈』character-update-announcements.
  • Do not delete characters without announcing it in this channel.


17. You must put your cat into the @ Character Info Bot and #🐈』character-info before you can roleplay them.

18. No metagaming (RPing with knowledge your character doesn't have).

19. This is a semi-literate to literate server, please try and write at very least three lines per reply.

20. High ranks must be active! If you miss a few gatherings, you may be demoted.

  • This is especially important for Medicine cats.