
Stars of the Fallen Sky

  • Crowclan cats are clever and inventive, generally not picky. They are also quite stubborn, willful, and proud of their wisdom.
  • The cats of Crowclan revere the crows around them and the crows respect them back. At first, the crows just knew not to attack them because they were gifted with so much free food, but now it seems the crows completely understand and accept their role as a deity of sorts.
  • Although all of the Crowclan cats can interpret the different pitches and sounds the crows make, and the crows understand what the cats say, only the leader can truly talk with the crows.
  • The caw of the crow is seen as lucky or approving, and during votes, the crows will often cry their approval along with the cats. However, an overwhelming amount of caws can also mean something dangerous is near.


  • Many of the cats adorn their pelts with the black-blue feathers (only ever ones they’ve found, never plucked).
  • The leader puts two feathers behind an ear and marks it with a special paint-like substance only the leader and medicine cat have access to. One feather has red paint, and each mark on the feather is a tribute to how many lives they have and the other has white marks for each of their kits. As a sign of trust between leader and corvid, these feathers have to be plucked directly from a crow (usually one from each wing). After the feathers are taken, the leader and crow develop an extra special bond, and they are barely seen apart. The leader and medicine cat also paint their faces with the paint, but they only paint their pelts for gatherings (the bonded crow also gets painted just for gatherings)
  • The queens allow the crows to meet their kits, hoping that the crows will bless them. The kits love meeting the crows, and the crows are very gentle and patient with them. Often times, the crows will bring their down to the queens to line their nests with.
  • When a cat dies, they are ceremonially eaten by the crows, who are said to carry their souls to Starclan.
  • Leafbare is seen as very unlucky as the crows leave and the prey starts to deplete. Although unrelated, to Crowclan the crows leaving means times of snow and low food. When prey starts booming in Newleaf, they catch as much as they can and throw a feast for the return of the crows.

  • From a very young age, all Crowclan cats are taught these numbers and meanings, however, it’s hard to tell whether these phenomena are correct or just superstition.
  • 0 - a warning of famine (outside of just leafbare)
  • 1 - bad luck or danger
  • 2 - good luck or a wish coming true
  • 3 - celebration or funeral
  • 4 - fertility or birth
  • 5 - sunshine or good weather*, sometimes a sign from Starclan
  • 6 - rainfall or bad weather*, sometimes a warning of Dark Forest influence
  • 7 - secrets and deception
  • 8 - life change or secrets revealed
  • 9 - love and/or friendship
  • 10 - something overwhelming and threatening
  • 11 - surprising news
  • 12 - the end of something; completion

  • A dead crow is a tragic sight. It is almost certainly an omen of death.
  • *after times of recent bad/good weather respectively


  • Crowclan camp is a small, circular dirt clearing surrounded by a ring of hollow and moss-covered trees. In the middle, there is a short but narrow birch trunk — just big enough for a cat to perch — where the leader gives announcements. A crow will often be seen on it, and Crowclan cats will leave their scraps of food at the roots.
  • The leader's den is the largest tree and has a crow's nest built many moons ago that sits in the crook of the lowest broken branch.
  • The medicine cat's den has the largest amount of shelf mushrooms adorning the outside.
  • The majority of Crowclan territory is covered in evergreen trees, and the ground is covered in a layer of pine needles. Towards the outer areas of the clan, especially near the twoleg place, there are more trees that become colorful in leaffall.


  • While rather scrawny compared to other clans, they use their wit to evade and dodge attacks. The most skilled warriors are nearly impossible to hit.


  • The clan founder's name was Velcro.