Latest Bulletin

Relaunch MYO Event!

Posted 11 months, 11 days ago by iinkt

As a reminder, we've moved~!

We are hosting a new relaunch MYO event that will last for one week! Please go join the new World and feel free to participate in the event!

If you've got an old Floricap, renew it here:

This will likely be our last post in this world!

Welcome to our gardens!

Floricaps are an original, closed species designed by Probably_Quin.

This world is currently a work-in-progress, but if you’d like to join, you are more than welcome to! You do not have to have a Floricap to join, but if you do have one, please add them to the world.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to private-message our administrator Ink (printer-paper).

  • We have an official account on Scratch!

  • We also have an official account here, Floricaps_Official!
  • Offsite Floricaps are being uploaded to the Floricaps_Official profile.
  • Apply to become a moderator here!
  • Only completed masterlists are listed, but they all exist! Admin and mods can see them, so if you're curious, ask one of us.
  • ---

Floricaps are a closed species that somewhat resemble felines. Plants and moss grow on their bodies, and they vary depending on the biome they live in. There are eight variants: Dappled (Forest) Floricaps, Quilled (Grassland) Floricaps, Pygmy (Desert) Floricaps, Woolly (Taiga) Floricaps, Giant (Jungle) Floricaps, Lop (Swamp) Floricaps, Blind (Cavernous) Floricaps, and Celestial (Domesticated) Floricaps.

The most prominent and defining trait on a Floricap is their moss and plant-covered bodies. A few weeks after Floricaps are born and begin growing fur, a fine moss will begin to grow on their bodies. In most variants, this moss grows on their heads, in their ears, on their backs, and around their tails. After the moss has developed, they are given a set of seeds (usually by their Garden, or group, leader) that are planted in their moss (however, plants won't grow in the moss in their ears). A Garden leader usually has 2-3 seeds growing in their moss, while lesser members have 1-2.

Floricaps are omnivores, and they choose to eat plants, insects, small mammals, small reptiles, and fish.. They usually try to avoid eating their own plants and moss (it's kind of cannibalistic). They're extremely social creatures, so they don't do well on their own, and are best in groups.

Most live in Gardens, which is the official term for their 'groups.' Gardens are comprised of anywhere from 10-50 Floricaps, which usually contains many families. One family is in charge of the Garden (called the Head Family), and the head of that family is usually the Garden Leader. In most cases, once young Floricaps are mature, they are given the option to leave their Birth Garden and move to another--but many opt to remain.

Gardens have diverse customs, beliefs, and traditions. These can be based on their history, familial ties, and geographical location. Their customs might influence their diets, interactions, and hostility. Most Gardens only contain one variant of Floricap (given their biome location).


Praesent ac convallis mi. Suspendisse ipsum nisl, semper ac pellentesque eu, congue sed metus. Nunc malesuada blandit pharetra. Praesent quis posuere urna. Aenean et eros maximus, pretium felis in, bibendum lorem. Ut dolor sapien, egestas et sodales faucibus, faucibus nec felis. Nullam non velit ultricies, egestas massa eu, vehicula nisl. Morbi sit amet dolor ac nulla aliquam tincidunt vulputate a nunc. Etiam lacinia lectus vitae dolor vestibulum, venenatis volutpat felis fermentum. Vestibulum orci lorem, porta eu condimentum in, iaculis non ipsum. Pellentesque laoreet lobortis porta.

Aliquam sagittis et libero non vehicula. Nullam eu auctor mi. Integer sed diam fermentum, dignissim ante id, sollicitudin odio. Mauris id imperdiet turpis, vel tristique neque. Pellentesque quis tempus nulla, at venenatis libero. Pellentesque ut elementum dolor. Sed ligula augue, malesuada at eros sit amet, tincidunt tristique lacus. Maecenas vel tortor dignissim, volutpat libero vel, egestas libero. Nam est nibh, pulvinar vel lacus at, elementum dictum nisi. Proin vel nisl mi. Nulla id orci libero. Aenean condimentum pulvinar volutpat. In interdum accumsan tristique. Fusce condimentum scelerisque pretium.

Ut sollicitudin interdum justo, et egestas lorem pellentesque ac. Curabitur sagittis auctor enim sed feugiat. Nulla malesuada enim dui, elementum cursus nisl accumsan id. Mauris porta leo dui, et egestas mauris maximus aliquam. Proin lacinia lorem suscipit urna eleifend fermentum. Duis tincidunt nunc eget nunc laoreet, sed condimentum libero varius. Aliquam consectetur ipsum id libero ultrices ullamcorper. Nulla tempor lorem nec sapien molestie, at maximus erat ullamcorper.


  • Suspendisse faucibus erat ut interdum tempus.
  • In sed tempus magna. In at luctus ex. Aenean ultrices massa ut velit viverra eleifend.
Mods and Admin