The planet on which most of my characters canonically thrive in one way or another. It’s twice the size of earth, is orbited by two moons, and has a similar climate. This planet can range from being my own personal version of Mobius, to being a parallel Earth, to being something entirely original. 

By default it’s home to both humanoids and anthropomorphic creatures I refer to as Ferusians. Relations between the two are normally strained.

Erue is an infinite work in progress. While I have my staple locations fleshed out for the backstories of my OCs, it’s main purpose is to serve as a foundation in which my friends and roleplay partners can build their own ideas upon, whether it’s adding something as small as a village or creating something as large as an entire continent. No two versions of Erue are exactly alike and I’m quite happy to let those who choose to enter my world have their own creative freedom within it.

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