THE YEAR IS 1888. Let us set the stage...

Kinallen, Druelia, Seclary, Loswela, and Sworheim. All countries situated on the Western side of the continent of Ohi'land. While our story is mainly situated in the monarchal republic of Kinallen, each country here has its own stories to tell. With the violet sky sailing over us, let's tell some of the stories.


Think of Victorian England, for better or for worse, Kinallen is very much a booming country impacted heavily by the steam revolution and unearthing of new types of alchemy and magic. The capitol city is named Wolfkill. Situated in the West-Central part of the country. Wolfkill sits on a large river called the Ragnailt River, with tonnes of bridges that span it for walkers, carriages and even the early steam cars. Our queen? Queen Docia Victoria the white tiefling.

If you were to ask any old Ohi'lander about Kinallen, or even Wolfkill, they'd tell you this country has a very odd fascination with death. So much so, that Wolfkill is guarded by a "city of the dead" spanning miles across. This graveyard is full of graves from yesterday, to centuries long past. Fueling this is also a large necromancy academy that sprang up in the city; aptly named The Academy of the Unseen. But make sure you watch your back, the Wolfkill ripper prowls when we all least expect it. Oh my, the first of October is soon, isn't it? That's Queen Docia Victoria's birthday. We mustn't be late for the festivities...
