Nightcap Nocturne Wiki


Nightcaps are a species of fae found at all places where revelry and drinking are common, associated with (or, as said by some, responsible for) side effects of intoxication, such as shifts in personality, uncommon actions, and the like. It's unclear whether their influence is responsible for all of this, or if they simply enhance aspects already existant in their subjects.

It's very rare a human is able to see these creations of their own volition, since their magics generally prevent them from being seen by other species. A gift for magical sight, magical intervention, or damage to the Nightcap ability to remain hidden are all possible ways of seeing them. It has also been recorded, in rare instances, for Nightcaps to willingly show themselves to humans or other species; the reason for this is individual, and therefore hard to quantify. There are too many differing motivations and personalities to apply generalizations to all Nightcaps - however, there are certain identified sub-species that seem to share similar motivations and behavioral patterns.

Nightcaps are a semi-open species, meaning you can make an MYO at any time; youcannot make adopts or sub-species MYOs without permission.


Species Information




Nightcap Alphabet


Identified Traits and Anatomy

General Traits and Anatomy

Nightcaps seem to have a set of common features that have been detailed in this journal entry, which will be further expounded upon here:

Overall, each individual Nightcap seems to take on features, markings, and/or colorations of one particular alcoholic beverage (note: there are some sub-species that are non-alcoholic, but these are quite rare). Their translucent top wings are filled with that liquid; the bottom wings resemble more earthly moth or butterfly wings. Their tails are similarly unique: they all have markings down them which indicate a familial lineage, usually a name (see notes on the deciphered alphabet). Their bodies are segmented in a similarly insectoid fashion, with durable "skin" where there isn't fluff (perhaps fur or hair?) to cover. Some are more integrated with their chosen environments or drinks than others.

Their main source of power seems to be an extra mouth, found on their body in various locations, which connects them to their magical realm. It's been reported they can "eat" objects with this extra mouth, which are later recovered, or conjure items at will. If this mouth is injured or kept shut, they begin to weaken in their magic abilities. It's unknown what would happen to one that's cut off from their realm for an extended period of time, but it's likely the result is not pleasant.

As for their stature, Nightcaps can range in size, shape, presentation - this ability to "shift" is likely related to their magic powers. In their fae form, they generally seem to be around 5 to 10 inches in height; in other forms, they can grow to be as large as a human, perhaps larger even. They are able to shift into a human(oid) form, though there's usually something strange or off-putting about this new form - there have been reports of people with completely solid-color eyes, sharp teeth, pointed ears, and the like. Their human "mimic" seems to usually be mostly accurate at best.

General Nightcap traits (see trait journal entry for details/visuals):

  • ✦ Antenna
  • ✦ Leg and Neck Fluff
  • ✦ Padded Moth Feet
  • ✦ Liquid-Containing Top Wings
  • ✦ Under-Wings
  • ✦ Body Segments
  • ✦ Tail
  • ✦ Lineage Writing
  • ✦ Mouth of Holding

Common Mutations

  • ✦ Variable Wing Location: While wings generally appear where most wings do (below the neck on the back, the "scapula" region), they can appear almost anywhere on a Nightcap's body.
  • ✦ Pawed Hands: Some Nightcaps can have hands resembling that of a canine, vulpine, or other padded creature.
  • ✦ Multiple Tails: Nightcaps can have up to 3 tails, splitting at the small of their back. The design is the same for all tails.
  • ✦ Multiple Arms: Nightcaps can have up to 6 arms.
  • ✦ Multiple Eyes: Nightcaps can have many eyes, there hasn't been a limit recorded.
  • ✦ Flourish: Growths on the body that stem from their skin, which is a part of their skin. Often resembles spikes, curls, fluff, or bumps, but can take on other shapes.
  • ✦ Integration: Parts of the Nightcap body begin to meld with their environment or drink - some examples include a plush body, plant growth, fruit growth.
  • ✦ Back Appendages: Clear, liquid-filled insect legs, tendrils, spines, or pincers.

Locked Traits

  • ✦ Double: Both sets of wings on the Nightcap's back are clear and liquid-filled, not just the top layer.
  • ✦ Chaser: The fluff on the Nightcap's neck is clear and liquid-filled.
  • ✦ Dew: Permanent "droplets" of liquid (like dew) are on the Nightcap's skin.
  • ✦ Bat Wings: Liquid-filled bat wings that replace both sets of regular wings.
  • ✦ Feathered Wings: Liquid-filled feathered wings that replace both sets of regular wings.

Identified Nightcaps

All Characters: Character Folder Link