Clockwork Dragon
The World

A Planet: Earth, altered (a bit larger than normal.) 
Description: The Earth’s crust is mainly attached in this universe. It goes around the outer layer of the Earth like a ring, and in the middle on each side is two giant bodies of water that trickle into the crust in the form of rivers, streams, lakes and pools.

Time Era and Outfitting
Victorian Steam-Punk era, though the ‘technology’ is a bit more advanced. 
(Usage of electricity, steam, and man-made contraptions to produce efficiency.)
City People wear the casual Victorian outfits; men in fancy coats and hats, boots, etc. Women in dresses, corsets, boots, etc. 

People in the Northern Hemisphere wear large parkas, heat suits, fur outfits, etc. 

People in desert areas wear wraps, turbans, loose pants, open shirts, etc, other various clothes to both protect and keep them cool.

People who live out in the jungle wear not much clothes at all, relying on their instinct to keep them safe. 

WildLife and Inhabitants of Earth
Despite the dangers, the Earth is richly coated in wildlife. There are mammals, birds, sea creatures and more just as there would be on regular earth. The only difference is...There’s dragons. Everywhere. Many different shapes, sizes, and temperaments. 
Some dragons fly, some crawl or slither, some blend in with their surroundings, some can breathe fire or speak. There are dragons the size of mice, cats, dogs, and there is also dragons the size of whales and bigger- and everything in between. They’ve been on the earth as long as people have. 
The People and Ways of Living
Natives/Jungle people: Natives live in the deep forests, and are mostly fearless of the dragons that cover the world. In fact, they try to coexist with them as best as possible, staying out of their way, and fending themselves if need be. Sometimes they’ll even steal from a dragon (food), but that doesn’t usually end up well, especially if the certain kind of dragon they steal from are protective of their possessions. They have small villages, consisting of huts and possibly a water well; they tend to be very spiritual, and mostly believe that they were meant to live in harmony with the dragons, and do not like dragon ‘hunters’ in the least. 
They will fight dragon hunters on contact, though can be reasoned with if necessary. Use their wits for their way of living, and do not rely on gadgets or fancy technology, and live off the Earth as much as they can. 
There are more modernized people in the jungle who build small cities in the trees, and live mostly safe in the treetops. 

City folk: City people either find a clear area, or make one to build one of their metal-dome like cities. These dome cities can also be found in light to heavy forestry, though mostly are in open landscapes near water. The cities are completely protected, a giant metal wall raised up around the entire thing to protect the citizens within. There are lookout posts, and if any danger is near, the cities use electric wires that shoot across the entirety of the opening at the top to keep dragons from entering. Within the cities, there is differentiating hierarchies; lower class, people who live on the streets or strive for something better, middle class, people who live decently, and upper class, the people who help fund the cities and live richly. 
In the domes, it is possible there is ‘Royalty’’ or a ‘President’. It all depends on how the city was first raised, and by whom. If the city is raised by a wealthy family, they become Royalty and it goes down the bloodline. If the city is raised by the people, there are elections for a President. 
People are allowed pet dragons, so long as they are tame and cause no harm. 
Imagine a regular Victorian city. 
The main city that is recognizable by most all people, is a ginormous, incredibly populated area within the giant skeletal remains of what is said to be the largest dragon that had ever lived, Tiamat (placement name). The city covers nearly the entirety of the inside of the skull. Dragons avoid this place, fearful of the people within/around it. 
The main logo/signature for the cities is a dragon entangled with cogs;
The City Folk logo

Desert Dwellers: These people are the least threatened by dragons in the entire world. Dragons here do not have wings, therefore the people have learned to tame them and use them to their advantage. Their cities vary from simple outposts in the desert, with cloth hanging up to signify a small town or outpost (with small houses, tents, shops, etc) to huge, beautiful, unguarded cities with golden paved streets and uniquely shaped buildings. Getting around is much easier here, people use dragons as frequently as if they were horses, saddling them and all. 
The main problem in these sorts of areas; bandits and thieves. There are gangs of bandits who travel around and steal things from rich cities, hoping they themselves can feel the wealth they were not born into. This means that some outposts you may find in the desert are much more dangerous than initially assumed…
The main desert city is currently ruled by a Sultana who is a Sanguis Draconis, (meaning she is of Dragon’s Blood). 
In other parts of the desert, closer to the grasslands, there are what you’d call ‘Cowboy’ settlements. Yes, there are cowboys. 

Oceanic: These people live smack-dab in the middle of the ocean on the islands. Either side, it doesn’t matter; these islands are the busiest and most protected of all, since they’re used for importing/exporting goods, as well as meetings from around the world. It is much quicker to move things across the ocean, since it is the safest place to use planes and air crafts for delivering/transferring goods. 
The deep sea is a mysterious place that no one dare explore or adventure, but the Oceanic islands are quite the sight. 
Yes, there are pirates as well. 

Tundra Walkers: 

Sky Islanders: The sky islands are a place not well-known by most people on Earth. They’re mostly unexplored areas, though it is said there is secrets and history on these islands. Because of this, there are plans to explore them, though will require much protection and security since,

A. It will take an air ship of some sort to reach these islands, (generally, airships have been a not-so-successful invention so far what with dragons flying around and ruling the skies. It’s a dangerous task) and
B. It is said that there is countless dragons living on these sky islands; a sort of haven for them, which also houses an elder dragon or two. 
There are however people who live up on these islands. Nothing is known of them, except the fact that they may exist. 

Dragon Hunters are a group of people that started up hundreds of years earlier, though were only a group of knights in early years. The faction didn’t have a recognisable name until 150-200 years back, where it was realized they are a necessity of sorts. In modern times, Dragon Hunters are few, but incredibly looked up to individuals that are the Best of the Best. 
They are trained to the bone, fearless, and have talents of their own that pertain to hunting, and usually killing, dragons. 
When it comes to population, hunters are usually 10 to a group per every 4 towns. 
Hunters do not usually visit the deserts or jungle people, and are mostly a City Folk relic. 
They could be defined as Mercenaries, hired and paid for their job to kill/capture dragons of interest or loathing. 
The technology used for their endeavors is superior; the vehicles are large, sharp, and shielded. Most the time, Hunters are hired to protect people if they travel between cities/areas using their gear and vehicles as a shield. 
Hunter gear is top of the line, finely crafted weapons. Anything from knives, swords, to guns and gadgets and contraptions; they have it all, and it’s usually very clever or not as it may appear. 
(Example; a knife may just look like a knife, but it may have a switch that causes poison to ooze over the blade. Or, a gun may shoot out a net instead of bullets. Etc.)

Elder Dragons
Elder Dragons are dragons who have lived before the apocalypse, and still exist to this day. There is only 14 left in the world, though each one has its own personality and look. 
They are based off of the 7 sins and 7 virtues, being; 
Pride: Male Humility: Female

Envy: Female Kindness: Male

Wrath: Male Temperance: Female

Gluttony: Male Patience: Female

Lust: Male Chastity: Female

Sloth: Male Diligence: Female

Greed: Female Charity: Male

The elder dragons are special/different, in that, they have many abilities that other dragons do not, and they exceed all other dragons with their secrets and knowledge. They speak with a fluent tongue, can speak multiple languages (able to communicate with all humans), they could be considered more intelligent than humans, though don’t find the need to make the world into something that it isn’t (they are not fond of technology, and much prefer living off of the world as it is.) 
Most are wise, and if a human ever comes across them, they will gladly speak to a human without attempting to harm them in any way. (Minus some of the more manipulative dragons, such as Pride, Lust, Greed, and Gluttony. Wrath is a very dangerous Elder, though Temperance does her best to keep him hidden/locked away.) 
Despite the fact they can speak to people and aren’t usually hostile, the Elders tend to avoid humans because they think humans are too weak minded, don’t understand, or are more gluttonous and greedy than themselves.  
A special trait each of these dragons possess, that is beyond all other dragons (minute one race), is Shapeshifting. The Elder dragons all have the ability to shapeshift into a human being, not only that, but are also able to impregnate/be impregnated by a human being. 
This is where Sanguis Draconis come from. 

Sanguis Draconis
Sanguis Draconis are a very, incredibly rare happenstance. 
People born of dragon blood are immediately definable, as they share traits of both humans and dragons (horns, eyes, possibly tail, skin discolouration). This happens when an Elder dragon chooses a human mate, (or...forces a human mate…) and they fornicate, creating a being that is said should not exist. 
Most people fear Sanguis Draconis, seeing them as a powerful being that is intimidating and foreign to the world, and others see them as a ‘chosen’, a gift that has been bestowed to the mother, or father of the child by the Elders. 
The people who generally see Sanguis Draconis as a positive and blessed thing, are the people following the Religion of the XIV De Senioribus, (14 Elders). 

XIV De Senioribus

XIV De Senioribus is a religion that started hundreds of years ago, though is considered a ‘cult’ by people who are against it, and can see it for what it really is. It has quite the following, and was started when a man had personally met one of the Elders, (Pride). He was told to spread the word of The Elders (more specifically himself), to his people. Not knowing it was a way for the dragon to boost his ego, it soon picked up in popularity and became a widely known Religion in which people worship the Elders, and consider dragons a being of hierarchy, that they should live among in peace. The man died in his mid 60’s by a mob of non-believers, but his daughter was left to take over his spot as the bringer of enlightenment. Morgana, the beautiful. 
She grew up to be a respected, wealthy and wise woman, though the Elder dragon (Pride) had grown an attachment to infatuation, perhaps? He didn’t want the feeble, weak human to die. He wanted Morgana to be his mistress, to spread the word for the rest of time. To ensure her beauty stay, and her lifetime lengthened, (Pride) allowed Morgana to drink his blood, giving her eternal(?) life, and refreshed beauty. It does not last forever, though she regains her beauty every time she drinks the dragon’s blood. Because of this, the dragon started demanding sacrifices. 
Morgana had no trouble convincing her following a yearly sacrifice must be made to the Elder Dragons, as they were already strong in their beliefs and would follow any footsteps lead by the beautiful Queen of XIV De Senioribus. 
(Morgana herself, drawn and owned by Rob.)

Dragon Types

Mysteries of the World, and the Apocalypse
There are relics coating the world, whether old buildings that were from thousands of years   before the apocalypse, or items that can be found/dug up. 
The apocalypse is said to be an event that happened hundreds and hundreds of years ago, when Tiamat rose from beneath the ground, and destroyed humanity as it was. These events were so catastrophic, it sent Earth into a spiral and rearranged the entirety of the Earth’s crust, nearly causing an ice age. Little do people know, the Earth was incredibly advanced before Tiamat was awoken from her slumber, and the relics that still stand, scattered across the earth, are proof of that. Some relics have been studied and the technology has been recently mocked, though never replicated, as it is far too complicated to understand. This was when dragons began to populate the Earth, and the Elders are the last living remnants of those ancient times, from around the Apocalypse. They know things...they know many things, secrets, history, things no human know, aside from (possibly) the Sky Islanders. 
Around the world you can find relics of ancient times, whether it be pyramids, cathedrals, or the futuristic cities that are completely run down and covered in vines. 


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