Species Lore

guMpH1L.pngGlasshead Species Lore

Special thanks to KittyPet for lore ideas!

Glasshead Physicality

The glass head of a Glasip created to be always enclosed. The glass is very, very strong but still can be broken. When a head of a Glasip is broken, it cannot be fixed. Cracks will stay cracked and any glass pieces will stay separated. Unusually, the liquid inside a Glasip will not leak out if the head has gaps, as an invisible barrier keeps the liquid inside, but the barrier only applies to the liquid and anything can get inside the head and 'contaminate' the liquid. Contaminants will make a Glasip weakened, but will slowly be dissolved by the liquid over time, and the Glasip will be back to full health.

As a human gets hot when it's sick, a Glassip gets hot when contaminated, trying to fight off the contaminants. Depending on the liquid Glassips that also only small fractures become 'foggy' inside and condense up, forming water droplets inside the glass. If fractures and cracks are small enough steam can also rise.XVWlKFZ.png

The head liquid is considered to be the life-force of a Glasshead, and the liquid can never leak out due to the invisible barrier, so a Glasshead can never die. The liquid can be like water or thick like honey, with any smells. (Sweet, minty etc)

Glasshead Language and Mentality

Glassheads have minds similar to humans. Like people, they have their own personalities and interests. They're generally curious and love to talk, they're also as smart is people too. As soon as they are born, Glassheads will be able to speak and understand their own unique language. This language has no proper name, and so is simply referred to as the Glasshead language. Different pitches make up the language, almost sounding like music when they talk. Voices vary greatly from Glasip to Glasip.

Glasshead Abilities

Glassheads are capable of a powerful ability. They are able to top to very distant locations and through dimensions and universes at will. This power can only transport what a Glasshead sees as a 'part' of them. They will use this ability to visit other Glassheads, explore new places, get away from danger, whatever they want to do. This ability has no cool-down, as it draws power directly from the the entity known as Mother Glass, but it is custom to not overuse the ability out of respect.