
Welcome to Grimwood 

  A sacred place of solace, mysticism, & the abnormal  

We bid you welcome to this our special place. A great forest, protected by ancient magick. To those whose minds are untouched by the spirit realm it looks like nothing more then a tiny grove of trees, completely surrounded by a high iron gate. However, if those people were to enter they would be greeted by nothing but pillars of brambles and thick thorny vines snaking their way over and pathway. If however you were the opposite, the gate out front would easily open and you would be allowed to step into the grove freely. Inside would be a vast and ancient forest. Inhabited my many  other worldy creatures. The likes of which no one can find any other place.

Now, if you were to follow a particular pathway, and mind you there are many. You would come to the center of the forest. There you would see a grand site. A large mansion, impressive as anything standing tall in the very center of a large clearing. This mansion was once an old asylum. It was passed down to the only son of the owner who brought it here for safe keeping. Be weary now, for you see the residence of this great formation dwell in the darkness for a reason. They aren't entirely evil but, they aren't entirely good either. Who knows they may take a liking to you though. Although it is highly uncertain how good of a thing that really is. For they might just want to keep you forever.

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