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Rose Road

The Re-Written World

Modern Fantasy-Punk

Open to [E]RP

Accepting new Members

About Setting


After the calamitous incident is known as "The Re-Writing" a far-off future of earth soon found it's a swift and abrupt end to its reality. However, this was not the end for a select few; before the massive wipe of all existence, as they knew it, humanity had begun work on various shelters in an attempt to wait out the theoretical heat-death of their universe. While not perfect in the delivery method, a rare few survived the transfer over to the new world awaiting them, a realm of existence where the scattered concepts of creative myths and legends from numerous cultures made a reality. This world was home to elves, dwarves, fairies, demons, beastfolk, and many other mythical races. With this re-emergence into a new world, the few survivors managed to scavenge what they could of their earth's technology, and revolutionized the once medieval civilizations to postmodern status, in a fusion of old earth tech and arcane enchantments to make what is referred to as "Arca-Tech."

The Rose Road is a world concept designed for those to enjoy a new take on Modern fantasy by adding elements of sci-fi and cyberpunk to the mix, and being open to the potentiality of content and scenarios ranging from; heroic and adventurous, to oppressive and bleak, to intimate and debaucherous. This world concept is meant to be an open community for those interested in solidating characters to a setting and interacting with other people in a large scale artistic concept. If you would like to potentially join us, feel free to leave an application to join in on the fun.

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