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Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by Beetle_Tea

Cowgis are cow-like creatures around the size of a corgi. There are 5 different rarities: Simple, darling, magical, legendary and epic. The type of cowgi you get varies on your position in explore, though there will be multiple other chances to get other rarities such as giveaways, comps, premade adoptables, or commissions. 

Cowgis are born with a gemstone, they must protect the gemstone or it will become tainted, a tainted gemstone can cause glowing cracks in the stone and black splotches on the cow's body. You may acquire a tainted cowgi through adopts or you may buy an item from the shop that allows you to have a tainted cowgi

Cowgis have no genitalia and breed by combining their two gemstones together to form a egg shaped crystal, incubation time for each egg varies on rarity

Cowgis are very active creatures, so we have included an explore feature. In order to participate in explore you must be registered in the Discord.

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