Sproutopia T.O.S.

Klinkling T.O.S.

Updated as of 2/21/24

Klinklings are a CLOSED SPECIES This means you are unable to create one for free or without permission. Adopts and tickets can be obtained through multiple ways including myo shop, raffles, OTA's, and trades. This can be with USD or our group currency Apple Coins.


-Designs and tickets may be resold if you purchased them either the group or another user.

-Designs and tickets may be traded for other designs, tickets and/or goods.

-Designs and tickets may be gifted to other users.

-Once you trade, re-sell, or gift a design or ticket, it is no longer yours.

-Designs may be sold via a voucher for the price of sale value plus additional art purchased. You may contact the mod team for an apprasial before listing a sell price on a trade listing.


-Charge extra money for art gifted to you. Only art paid for can be added to total worth

-Ask people to "offer" with no mention of actual value of the character or ticket. A solid price is required, even when asking for vouchers.

**A voucher is paying for an item/service (ex: another adopt, irl goods, or artwork) in exchange for the adopt. It is not sending money directly to the person giving you the character/ticket.


Co-ownership is allowed but you must have a clear understanding with who you are co-owning with that if co-owners part ways the design will go to the person who originally purchased it. After the design has been sold, it is out of our hands. We will not settle personal disputes between ownership. That is intended to be a discussion between you and the person you are co-owning the character with. Ownership is welcome to be transferred through the appropriate channels.


Design changes are allowed under certain circumstances. Most minor changes are allowed and do not need approval. This may include, hair, skin tones, clothes, acessories. You can not add, remove, or change traited elements without permission or purchase of appropriate shop item. When in doubt, always come to a mod with questions about changing the design of your Klinkling. All traited design changes must be approved through either the discord server or redesign approval thread on Toyhouse.


If you wish to remove your Klinkling or void a ticket please let our mod team know by messaging our Masterlist Account. After removing a Klinkling from the community the design will no longer be able to participate in any group events. You are asked to remove the legs and/or tail trait to distance the character from the closed species. If a ticket or design is removed from the species a refund will not be given, all sales from the species are not able to be refunded due to removal from the group.


While the species as a whole has a general tos we hope to see many artists and guest artists work with us. We ask you to read and respect the individual artists T.O.S.


Purchasing from us means you have read, and will abide by these rules. The rules are here to maintain a sense of respect between buyers and artists. If rules are broken repeatedly, it may result in a ban and/or blacklisting, depending on severity. All sales of completed work (adoptable batches) are final. Refunds are only allowed on a case by case scenario, if a payment is cancelled without notification you will be blacklisted.