
Is there an age rating?
Yes, the minimum is 18!

Why is there an 18+ rating?
TOMF allowed NSFW and adult themes and will not tolerate minors being a part of such themes.

Can I join the group now?
Sure can! Make sure to have your character ready after you've ready the Character Creation page and submit it on in for checking!

Can my character have disabilities? Mental, physical etc
Yes! Injures and disabilities are all allowed as long as they've occurred while in the New World.
Human's who have woken up into the new work from the Deep Sleep Project are not allowed to have significant illnesses or injuries;
unless the injuries have been acquired while living in the New World.

What is the New World?
The New World is the era of earth that this world is set in!
The current year of earth is 100,000+ years in the future.

What if the Deep Sleep Project?
This was a program developed in the year 2076, allowing humans to enter underground machines that would keep them unconscious and alive during any apocalyptic or earth shattering scenarios.

How old can my character be?
Basically any age!

Will there be App Checks?
Yes, Applications will be checked once submitted!

What is this group about, really?
Character relationship and development!
Your character has come to the town for one reason or another and is ready to start a new life! 

How many characters can we have?
As many as you like! We suggest you don't get too carried away, but there is no limit even with that said!

Can my character die or can I kill them off?
Yes! Your character death, injury or lose of limb is entirely up to you!

Is there currency in towns?
In the town Iron Town, yes, but not in any other towns, working merely on trading and skill. 

Can non-mod characters make quests?

What is Rihedan?
Rehidan is the name of the mountain town and where this group revolves around!

Why has my character come to Rehidan?
That's entirely up to you! Whether they're visiting, considering a move or live there already!

Information Regarding Humans

Where do the humans wake up after Deep Sleep?
They wake up inside digital coffin-like chambers [pods], inside either town of Evergreen, Iron Town or Kazbet.
A reference to the appearance of both the cave and the chambers can be found here.

Make sure to read about each location before picking where your character wakes up!

How are characters picked for the Deep Sleep project in-game?
The result of a lottery: they could have been by birth date or the letter or their last name.
However, people of influence and with a lot of money can pay their way into being added to the Project.
We like to keep this a bit of a mystery.

Can a human bring items into the Deep Sleep project? What kind?
For the most part, small and trivial items. One or two MAX. Nothing large. Something small enough to fit on their person comfortably (e.g. lighter or cigs etc).
A deck of cards maybe, dice, glasses, jewellery, crayons, etc. For those richer or of higher status, they could pay more to be able to bring other (larger) things with them.
However, absolutely no firearms or weapons of any kind were permitted into the pods.

What happens after they wake up?
They leave their respective towns and eventually start their lives in Rehidan. How they make it to the Mountain Folk town will be up to you! Whether theyre an old resident of the New World,
a newly woken baby or someone who'd lived in the mountain town their whole lives is all up to you!

What memories are lost?

Everything regarding their old lives - mostly personal relationships and old-world items. Sometimes, subconsciously, characters can remember these things and everyone differs in what kind of things they might remember.
For example, even though they have forgotten their entire family, a character may remember what buttered bread tastes like. For the easiest rule of thumb:

Explicit/Declarative memory are LOST: Memories retaining to events and facts of one's life.
Implicit/Procedural memory can be KEPT: Memories of what an apple is, what a cloud is, etc. Although a few of these can be forgotten for fun.

Different characters may vary in the amount they remember [mostly in regards to implicit memory, with explicit we'd like to erase all of it in the beginning unless triggered].
It's all up to the RPer to decide - just don't have them remember everything, of course!

Memory triggers can happen through RPs and other in-game events. It takes ten years for memories to be recovered fully.
At first, memories come faster before the stream slows and then picking up again.

If you're not sure, feel free to send a note to the group, ask in discord, or post a comment!

Would they remember people they used to know?
Siblings/Immediate Family - Immediately if close, In a max of 24 hours if not. [Exceptions can be made if they're estranged and haven't seen each other in 10 years or something. Note the group if questioning!]

Friends (if good friends)

Under 1 Year = like strangers

1-2 years friends = One week

5-7 years = A couple of days

8+ years = Like siblings, immediately or within the day

How long would it take to remember things?
Full recovery at 10 years.

In general: at first remembering goes faster, than slower, than faster again.

However, this is somewhat up to what you want to do with your character.
Some OCs will remember slower than others, some slightly faster - the basic main idea is that they can remember as time passes and that they do not have that memory instantly.

More TBA with time!
Feel free to ask questions in the comment section or to send a note.